“要创业,到浦东”。这已成为愈来愈多的全国各地人士的口头禅。据浦东新区有关部门统计,目前浦东近20万建设者活跃在开发建设的各个领域,既有博学多才、精于管理的高层次人才,也有大量从事建筑、商业、服务业等行业的“蓝领族”,他们融入海纳百川的上海浦东,已成为浦东开发的一支生力军、引人注目的“新浦东人”。本期刊登的由本刊记者分别采写郭平、汪敏君和严少辉的一组文章,集中地展现了“新浦东人”的风采。 ——编者
“To start a business, to Pudong.” This has become the mantra of more and more people from all over the country. According to statistics from Pudong New Area authorities, at present, nearly 200,000 builders in Pudong are active in various fields of development and construction. They include both high-level professionals who are knowledgeable and versatile in management, and a large number of “Blue Collars ”Their integration into the well-being of Shanghai’s Pudong, Shanghai, has become a new force developed by Pudong and attracts the attention of the“ new Pudong people. ” This issue of published by the correspondents were written by Guo Ping, Wang Minjun and Yan Shaohui a group of articles, focused on showing the “new Pudong people” style. --editor