湖北省宜昌市供销社招商简介之一一、宜昌市概况宜昌市位于长江上游与中游的分界处,长江流经宜昌232公里,处于湖北西部、武汉经济区与重庆直辖市之间。它上控巴蜀、下连荆襄、北达中原、南通湘粤,素有“三峡门户”、“川鄂咽喉”之称,是我国内陆腹地承东接西、南北对流的纽带,是东部技术、资金与西部资源、物产的交汇区和不同层次的市场交叉区,是长江流域历史悠久、资源丰富的新兴发展中城市。宜昌市国土面积达21 083.4平方公里,总人口为413.26万人,宜昌城区人口为133万。居民主要是汉族,其次是土家族,还有回、蒙、满、壮、苗等25个少数民族。
Brief Introduction to Supply and Marketing Cooperatives in Yichang, Hubei I. Overview of Yichang Yichang is located at the boundary between the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The Yangtze River runs 232 kilometers across Yichang and lies between western Hubei Province, Wuhan Economic Zone and Chongqing Municipality. It controls Bashu, even with Jingxiang, north of the Central Plains, Nantong, Guangdong and Guangdong, known as the “Three Gorges Gateway”, “Chuan E throat,” said, is the hinterland of our country to the west, north and south convection The link is the intersection of eastern technology, capital and resources in the west, the intersection of real estate and markets at different levels. It is an emerging and developing city with a long history and abundant resources in the Yangtze River Basin. Yichang City land area of 21 083.4 square kilometers, with a total population of 4.1326 million people, Yichang urban population of 1.33 million. Residents mainly Han, followed by Tujia, there are back, Mongolia, Manchuria, Zhuang, Miao and other 25 ethnic minorities.