
来源 :中国计划免疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuntaos
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目的探讨浙江省百日咳流行病学特征,为制定有效控制策略提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学分析方法。结果浙江省百日咳发病分为3个阶段:未使用疫苗时期的1954~1959年,年平均报告发病率为212.67/10万;使用疫苗初期的1960~1984年,年平均报告发病率为102.17/10万;实施计划免疫时期的1985~2004年,特别是1988年起全省推广使用吸附全细胞百白破联合疫苗(DTwP),发病明显下降,1994年以来报告发病率<1/10万。对DTwP免疫成功率监测表明,免疫后百日咳凝集抗体达到保护水平(≥1∶320)者>90%,几何平均滴度免疫后比免疫前增长29.4~210.5倍。结论目前浙江省百日咳的年平均报告发病率<0.5/10万。有效的DTwP疫苗和高质量的全程免疫接种率,加强疫情和人群免疫水平监测,是控制百日咳的重要策略。 Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of pertussis in Zhejiang Province and provide a scientific basis for making effective control strategy. Methods Describe methods of epidemiological analysis. Results The incidence of pertussis in Zhejiang Province was divided into three stages: the unused vaccine period from 1954 to 1959, the annual average reported incidence of 212.67 / 100000; the initial use of vaccines from 1960 to 1984, the annual average reported incidence of 102.17 / 10 In the period from 1985 to 2004, especially since 1988, there was a marked decrease in the incidence of DTwP, which has been reported since 1994 in China. The reported incidence rate was <1/10 million since 1994. The monitoring of the success rate of DTwP immunization showed that after the immunization, pertussis agglutination antibody reached the level of protection (≥1: 320)> 90%, and the geometric mean titer increased by 29.4-210.5 times than before immunization. Conclusions At present, the annual average incidence of whooping cough in Zhejiang Province is less than 0.5 / 100000. Effective DTwP vaccine and high-quality whole-course immunization rate, strengthen the epidemic and crowd immunity monitoring, is an important strategy to control whooping cough.
【案例背景】  执教至今,一直从事低年级语文教学工作。低年级的学生真是可爱,小脸圆圆,小眼弯弯,小嘴呱呱,小手巧巧,小腿快快……我由衷地爱着他们。可就是那么一群可爱的学生,却也常常让我头疼。开学第一天,语文课的铃声响起,好不容易安静下来的课堂上,同学们开始自我介绍。突然,我发现坐在第一排的小胖子,正津津有味地吃着饼干,问他原因,原来是肚子饿了,在幼儿园都有点心吃。刚刚教育他说:“现在是小学生了,上
习近平总书记来宁夏视察时指出,我们要大力弘扬“不到长城非好汉”的精神,走好新的长征路。自治区党委十一届八次全会贯彻落实习近平总书记来宁视察重要讲话精神,把“不到长城非好汉”确定为宁夏精神。怎样认识和理解“不到长城非好汉”的宁夏精神?笔者认为需要把握好以下几个方面的认知。  宁夏精神的地域特性。我国疆域辽阔,在自然环境、气候条件上,南北有异,东西不同,应该将地域特色体现到地域精神中。“不到长城非好汉