9月1日,长春某军用机场上空,新成立的空军航空大学“天之翼”飞行表演队、空军第三飞行学院“红鹰”飞行表演队与已有近5 0年历史的空军八一飞行表演队,分别驾驶初教-6、教-8和歼-1 0飞机进行了“双机剪刀机动”“五机绕轴滚转”“三机同步横滚”等数十个惊险、高难动作,展示了中国飞行表演队高超的技术水平,标志着人民空军形成了以八一飞行表演队为主体的3支飞行表演力量.3支飞行表演队与2支跳伞表演队共舞
On September 1, at a military airport in Changchun, the newly formed Air Force Aviation University “Sky Wing ” flight demonstration team, the Air Force's third flight institute “Red Eagle ” flight demonstration team and nearly 50 years of history Air Force Bayi flight demonstration team, respectively, driving the beginning of teaching -6, teach -8 and F -1 aircraft carried out “double machine scissor motor ” “five machine around the axis roll” “three machine synchronous horizontal Rolling ”and dozens of breathtaking and difficult movements that demonstrated the superb technical level of the Chinese aerobatic team and marked the formation of three airplanes by the People's Air Force with the August 1 air demonstration team as the main body. 2 parachuting team dance