Effects of High Intensity Interval Exercise on Blood Pressure

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  【Abstract】This paper reviews the effect of high intensity interval exercise on blood pressure and discussed the mechanism of decreasing blood pressure.
  【Key words】High intensity interval exercise; Blood pressure; Effect
  【作者簡介】Xiaoyu Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai.
  Complications of high blood pressure have accounted for 9.4 million of death caused by cardiovascular disease in the worldwide every year (1). Research has proved that the risk of vascular death begins with BP levels as low as 115/75 mmHg and doubles for each 20/10 mmHg rise in systolic/diastolic BP (2). As such, researchers have invested great effort to prevent diseases related to high blood pressure or hypertension, which is a kind of major health problems that have received a great amount of attention since a few decades ago.
  Although hypertension is claimed as a global public health crisis, suitable training and daily exercise may contribute to decreasing blood pressure (1). The main effect of exercise is generally known as post-exercise hypotension (PEH), which describes the prolonged decrease in resting BP during the recovery period after exercise (3). PEH usually occurs after low to moderate intensity endurance (4) and resistance exercise programs (5). These programs can often be achieved through regular endurance and resistance physical activity with low to moderate intensity.
  However, Levinger and colleagues (6) reported that 60% of adults could not meet the minimum-recommended level of regular physical activity. Hence, “no time” could be one of the main barriers for adhering in regular low to moderate intensity exercise programs (7). Researchers have recently recommended the high intensity interval exercise (HIIE), which is defined as vigorous exercise performed at a high intensity for a brief period of time, separated by 1-5 minutes of recovery at complete rest or low-to-moderate intensity (8).
  Research has shown that HIIE is more efficient compared to low to moderate intensity exercise (6). Except that empirical evidence has shown the benefit of HIIE to improve cardiorespiratory and metabolic function (8), studies have also explored the benefit of HIIE in decreasing BP (3, 9, 10, 11).
  As discussed above, the phenomenon of a prolong BP decreases after HIIE is described as post-exercise hypotension (PEH). Researchers have proved that PEH can be influenced by different exercise intensities and duration. Ciolac and colleagues (12) found that HIIE was more effective compared with the exercise of lower intensity in reducing SBP and DBP after 16 weeks of training, supporting the importance of HIIE in decreasing BP. On the contrary, other researchers proposed that the magnitude of PEH after HIIE were similar to the intensity of another group with a bout of moderate intensity endurance exercise (3). Despite arguable results, it is agreed that exercise intensity will significantly change the magnitude of PEH (9). In addition, researchers used various criteria (i.e. different time points) for measuring BP after HIIE, which might be another cause of the inconsistent results from the literature (3). Among the studies that had different findings, BP value had been recorded using various criteria. For example, some studies involved total observation of BP within two hours with an interval of 15 minutes (10) or 30 minutes (13) between each record; other researchers involved one hour observation with an interval of 30 minutes (3). Still, others measured the BP values at special time point, i.e. the 30th minute (14) or the 60th minute (15). Regarding chronic HIIE, researchers often compared the recorded BP values sampled certain time point, i.e. 24 hours (16) or 72 hours (17) after the intervention with the pre-intervention BP value. The various measurement criteria could be the cause of the inconsistent PEH responses among previous studies.   Although effort was made to examine the mechanism of PEH, researchers only managed to clarify a number of factors that caused the phenomenon of PEH. Hypertension can cause a decrease in endothelial function, which has a role in releasing of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide (NO), in turn, has an important influence on vasodilation in which decreases BP. Exercise increases the production of NO, which lays one of the potential reasons that cause PEH. Another reason is the decrease of total peripheral resistance (TPR) (18).
  PEH is also related to sympathetic nervous system inhibition and an adjustment in the baroreflex (19). During exercise, the sympathetic nervous system expands vessels in the non-working muscles; in consequence, the dilation of these muscles adds to the sustained vasodilation potentially. After exercise, sympathetic nervous system turns into deactivate status, which causes continuous vasodilation during the PEH. Baroreflex is another reason that causes PEH in order to keep BP at the homeostatic level. After exercise, the decrease in baroreflex, which results from baroreceptors resetting, causes the phenomenon of PEH(19).
  Overall, HIIE is proved to produce prolong decrease of BP after exercise. Other than the effect of HIIE on BP during and after exercise.
  To conclude, although PEH can be influenced by a lot of factors, the optimal level of intensity on lowering of BP is still not clear. Additionally, there is a need to explore more precise measurement criteria. Meanwhile, evidence has supported that measurable decrement of BP can be achieved after HIIE, still, methods of HIIE vary from each other and more empirical evidence is need in order to provide further insights on a particular form of HIIE, namely the acute repeated all-out sprint training. Notwithstanding the fact that HIIE is beneficial for lowering BP, the possible risk of HIIE in BP during exercise is still arguable, hence pointing to the need for examining the changes of BP during HIIE.
  [1]World Health Organization. A global brief on hypertension: Silent killer[J]. global public health crisis (WHO/DCO/WHD/2013.2),2015.
  [2]Prospective Studies Collaboration. Age-specific relevance of usual blood pressure to vascular mortality: A meta-analysis of individual data for one million adults in 61 prospective studies[J]. The Lancet,2002, 360(9349):1903-1913.
  [3]Rossow, L., Yan, H., Fahs, C. A., Ranadive, S. M., Agiovlasitis, S., Wilund, K. R.,
【摘要】农村教育一直以来是亟须解决的问题,但是由于农村经济比较落后,在教育领域的投资建设上也并不是十分的理想,教师的教育理念比较落后等等,严重影响了农村的教学质量,尤其是英语这一门外语学科。英语的教学不仅仅要渗透学生词汇和时态的运用,还需要加强学生的英语口语的锻炼,但是在农村的初中教学中,还存在一些影响口语教学效率提升的因素,只有解决了这些问题,才能促进初中生英语口语能力的提升。  【关键词】农村
【摘要】河南省是我国的人口大省、经济大省,其高等教育经过漫长的发展,已经取得了很大突破,高层次人才培养水平也是逐渐提升。即使河南省的高等教育发展取到了一定的进步,但与其他省份相比,河南省的高等教育并没有什么优势可言。而本文就是对中部地区比较视野下的河南高等教育发展现状进行相应的探讨,以期能够为相关的研究者与工作者提供可参考依据。  【关键词】河南省;高等教育;发展  【作者简介】吕照东(1985.
【Abstract】“Mona Lisa” is Leonardo Da Vinci’s one of the famous oil paintings, which now stored in the Musee du Louvre. And since “Mona Lisa” is a famous portrait which it stands for Da Vinci’s highest
【摘要】 英语教学是传授知识,使学生获得知识的过程。在英语教学实践中如何充分利用英语课堂,挖掘教材中心理健康教育因素,通过展示学科的美来优化学生心理环境。这是一线教师关注的问题。  【关键词】小学英语;主动参与;心理环境   【作者简介】侯玉芹(1984.10-), 女,汉族,江苏灌南人,灌南县实验小学,教师,本科,研究方向:小学英语教学。  课堂心理环境是指在课堂教学中影响学生认知效率的师生心理
【摘要】语境对翻译有制约作用并影响着翻译的效果。翻译教学应打破传统的教学模式,充分利用语境,培养学生的语境运用意识。本文旨在从语场、语旨、语式三个方面对翻译教学的教学目标、教学内容及教学方法进行理论指导,从而为翻译教学带来新的启示。  【关键词】语境;语境化;翻译教学  【作者简介】陈梦娇(1993.07.19-),女,汉族,陕西咸阳礼泉人,现就读于陕西师范大学外国语学院2017级外国语言学及应用
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【摘要】在英语学习中,写作能力是四项基本技能之一,也是学生综合能力的重要体现,因此找到一种可以有效提高学生的写作能力的方式成为英语教学中的重点内容。思维导图是一种能够提高人们逻辑能力和学习效率的工具,它用图文并茂的方式表示思维,将人们的发散思维可视化。本研究试图在高中英语写作教学中运用思维导图,提高学生的写作兴趣,培养其发散性思维的能力。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语写作教学;应用探析  【作者
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