Experimental study for the particle size distribution of mine spoil pile cross section

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:airbter
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The aim of the experiment is to analyze and view the distribution of gangue withdifferent particle sizes in mine spoil pile cross section.According to the Dimensionalmethod,’Pi’theorem was employed first to abbreviate ten physical and mechanical parametersto three dimensionless groups, and then the similarity criterion and coefficient ofthe experiment were determined and calculated based on particle size distribution curve.The similarity model was designed and constructed to represent the process of the minespoil pile.The profile of the final model shows that the small sized particles mainly composethe upper zone of the mine spoil pile, while the bottom of the pile is dominated bybigger sized particles, and the intermediate section presents a zigzag stripe cross-beddingstructure which is composed by small-medium scale particles and medium-large scaleparticles.Each stripe has two critical angles: one is the angle in which gangue particlescan maintain their stability condition, with approximate range from 24° to 26°; and theother is the angle in which particles can stop gliding downwards, approximately varyingfrom 34° to 36°. The aim of the experiment is to analyze and view the distribution of gangue with different particle sizes in mine spoil pile cross section. According to the Dimensionalmethod, ’Pi’theorem was employed first to abbreviate ten physical and mechanical parametersto three dimensionless groups, and then the similarity criterion and coefficient of the experiment were determined and calculated based on particle size distribution curve. The similarity model was designed and constructed to represent the process of the minespoil pile. profile of the final model shows that the small sized particles mainly composethe upper zone of the mine spoil pile, while the bottom of the pile is dominated bybigger sized particles, and the intermediate section presents a zigzag stripe cross-beddingstructure which is composed of small-medium scale particles and medium-large scaleparticles. Edge stripe has two critical angles: one is the angle in which gangue particlescan maintain their stability condition, with appr oximate range from 24 ° to 26 °; and theother is the angle in which particles can stop gliding downwards, approximately varyingfrom 34 ° to 36 °.
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