AFLP(Amp lifed Fragm ent Length P loymorphsim)技术是由荷兰Keygene公司科学家Zabeau和Vos发展起来的一种检测DNA多态性的一种方法[1],1993年获欧洲专利局专利,该方法是继RFLP(Restriction Fragm ent Length P loymor-phsim),SSR(S imp le Sequence Repeat)和RAPD(RandomAmp
The AFLP (Amp lifed Fragm ent Length P loymorphsim) technique, developed by Zabeau and Vos, a Keygene scientist in the Netherlands, is a method of detecting DNA polymorphisms [1] and was patented by the European Patent Office in 1993, RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length P loymor-phsim), SSR (Sequence Repeat) and RAPD (RandomAmp