ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning,“企业资源计划”)这一概念是基于60年代中期由美国的管理专家提出的MRP(Material Requirement Planning,“物料需求计划”)的基础之上,历经半个多世纪发展起来的。简单来讲,ERP是一个以财务为中心,集物流、资金流和信息流为一体的业务运营和管理系统。在ERP之中,许多科学而又先进的管理思想得到了充分的体现。ERP软件是集成了不同功能模块的计算机软件包,它是“三流合一”管理思想的实际载体。ERP系统是指ERP软件与硬件和网络等企业信息技术的基础设施相结合,在企业内部形成一套通用的集成的管理系统,以支持企业日常操作和高级管理。
The concept of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is based on the MRP (Material Requirement Planning) proposed by management experts in the United States in the mid-1960s and has developed over half a century. Up. In simple terms, ERP is a business operation and management system that focuses on finance and integrates logistics, capital flow, and information flow. In the ERP, many scientific and advanced management ideas have been fully reflected. ERP software is a computer software package that integrates different functional modules. It is the actual carrier of the “three-in-one” management idea. ERP system refers to the integration of ERP software with the infrastructure of enterprise information technology such as hardware and network. A common integrated management system is formed within the enterprise to support daily operations and advanced management of the enterprise.