Beauty of WABI—SABI

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  【Abstract】: WABISABI is a kind of idea, a sort of art, a kind of world view. It is not vocabulary that directly translated from Japanese to English, and the backside of the idea cannot immediately changed to the people they never knew it simply, WABISABI means a visual of life, it emphasis to find the perfect from imperfect and learn to accept the cycle of live to die of nature. The best way to understand WABISABI is to accept this idea, and start to put more attention to the examples of our personal life.
  【Keywords】: WABISABI;tea ceremony;esthetics
  WABI-SABI means WABI and SABI, WABI-SABI is the integration of these two words. So the word, WABI-SABI, has the whole meaning of these two single words. It was transformed when translated into Chinese as WABI-SABI.
  Okakura Kakuzō, Japanese aesthetician in 19th century, had translated WABI into IMPERFECT in his famous work named of BOOK OF TEA. It tends to be the imperfect of appearance in esthetics of WABI. The most famous master of tea, Sen no Rikyu created tea of WABI in Japanese Warring States period and WABI came into being in that way. It fused the beauty of spirit and tea and was called as rough. The word WABI has a origin in Japanese that means rough outside with perfect inside.
  WABI is usually used to express the beauty of tea ceremony. The whole system from the Hermitage tea of Murata Juhikaru to the accepted top of tea ceremony, tea ceremony of Rikyu , is called as tea of WABI. WABI started to be a theory of tea ceremony at Edo Period and it marks the arising of tea of WABI. The word WABI in tea ceremony doesn’t mean only rough but the pursuit of texture and beauty under the common surface. Idiomatic phrase like WABI Suki is used to express the meaning of WABI, intending to describe those kind of tea that high-quality but light and people who like to enjoy that kind of tea. Tea masters of WABI are described as who don’t hold anything but possess consciousness, practice and technology these three things. That type of people were also called as tea masters of scarcity.
  The center of WABI is Zen and WABI is the expression in esthetics of the negative spirit of subject. The idea of there is nothing of Zen denied all the existing forms of beauty. Meanwhile, the idea of there is all hide in the nothing of view of Zen got possibility to create forms of art leisurely and carefree. In a word, WABI got new affirmative from the negative.
  SABI use to be written as tarnish with meaning of abrasion and rustiness. It was generated from Chinese too. But Basho Matsuo, a renowned Haiku poet, sublimed aesthetic perception from the expanding of NOH. Then SABI means a sort of beauty that reveal from the shabby appearance of used staff so it has aesthetic feeling full of charm of time. Even the appearance of mottled nor bleak of fading cannot stop the shock of the beauty but may strengthen the beauty.   This word didn’t have any beautiful concept at the beginning. It was written as the heavy smell of old books in those ancient books like Tsurezuregusa and that fact confirmed the sense of appreciating the beauty of archaic things. This concept was quite valued in the world of Haiku and being used in forms of NOH and commenced to be theorized. Moreover, SABI became the center of Matsuo Basho’s late Haiku though Matsuo Basho did not leave any evaluating or mark about the word of SABI.
  Terada Torahiko regarded SABI as a sort of beauty like filtering from inside of old staff and it does not have any business with outside such as a stone covered with moss. No one could resist the power of the nature to make the stone covered with moss and color of green. Japanese esteem this as what distribute from inside of the stone itself so it attracts our attention.
  When it came to 14th century, WABI-SABI got more positive assess and fused into Japanese Aesthetic consciousness. That phenomenon may be influenced by theory of the Chan sect. now WABISABI is the antonym of rich, dignity, gorgeous, luxurious, sumptuous,colorful, plump and tedious. Moreover, it can be simplified by words like poverty, destitution, naive, prudence, temperance, cold, thin, withered, decrepit, lonely, clumsy, dark, quiet, rustic or natural.
  WABISABI is a kind of idea, a sort of art, a kind of world view. It is not vocabulary that directly translated from Japanese to English, and the backside of the idea cannot immediately changed to the people they never knew it simply, WABISABI means a visual of life, it emphasis to find the perfect from imperfect and learn to accept the cycle of live to die of nature. The best way to understand WABISABI is to accept this idea, and start to put more attention to the examples of our personal life.
  Canadian psychologist Richard Powell mentioned several kinds of spirit of WABISABI in new age in his book WABISABI SIMPLE. He mentioned that attaching importance to nature, subtle, openness, flexibility, seasonality, natural and made by hands these seven characteristics response the feel of WABISABI. Many types of handicrafts’ making observes the attitude of subtle. It feels like passivity, humility and retreat but it will be the expression of ultimate craft of refining and lofty even to show the insisting on little details when we look inside of that. This is what called exiguity by Masayuki Kurokawa in his eight points of Japanese aesthetic consciousness. So many Japanese crafts don’t only care about forms and functions but also have soul. The souls are gave buy craftsman’s skill when they making those crafts. We can also say that is the interaction between craftsman and material created a new kind of life that cannot easily described by words.
  [1]Okakura Tenshin,《BOOK OF TEA》[M]
  [2]Mark Reibstein,Ed Young,《WABISABI》[M]
【摘要】:本文通过简要介绍媒体技术和数码艺术,说明媒体技术对数码艺术的影响,以期能够利用媒体技术提高数码艺术作品的科技含量和文化价值,促进数码艺术的进步和发展。  【关键词】:数字媒体技术;数码艺术;积极作用  近年来,随着网络信息技术的飞速发展,人类社会快速进入到数字化时代,而在艺术作品中应用媒体技术,不仅能够体现时代特征,而且能够增加艺术作品的科技价值和文化价值。因此,了解媒体技术对数码艺术的
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【摘要】:数字媒体是科技发展的产物,在当前社会发展过程中,数字媒体的应用越来越普遍。在数字媒体背景下,新媒体的出现已成为必然。数字技术的发展促进了新媒体的发展。而数字艺术作为新媒体时代的一种艺术表现形式,数字技术的出现丰富了艺术设计素材,为艺术创作者提供了更为广阔的创作手段,为艺术创作者提供灵感和思路,使得艺术设计更加真实。本文就数字技术视野下的新媒体艺术设计进行了相关的分析。  【关键词】:数字
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【摘要】:处在当前的发展背景下,在教学中视觉传达设计方面是比较重要的学习内容,新技术的应用也使得视觉传达的设计教学模式有着转变,对教学有着优化的作用。传统的教学过程中,受到诸多方面的因素影响,就对实际教学效果良好呈现有着影响。本文主要就数字媒体的特征和视觉传达设计要素加以分析,然后对数字媒体下视觉传达的特征体现和发展应用进行详细探究。  【关键词】:数字媒体;视觉传达设计;特征  0.引言  当前
【摘要】:作为一种艺术表现形式,动画是随着科技发展而发展的,因此,在信息时代不断深入发展的情况下,利用数字媒体艺术进行动画设计,提高动画作品的质量,成为动画产业进一步发展的前提。本文通过简要介绍数字媒体和数字媒体艺,指出数字媒体艺术对动画设计的影响,以期能够提高动画作品的质量,促进动画产业的可持续发展。  【关键词】:数字媒体艺术;动画设计;影响  任何一种艺术形式的诞生都离不开其所处的时代状况科
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马克思主义文艺理论是指导我们进行文学艺术创作的最根本的理论。只有在这一理论基础上才能创作出正确的、主流的文艺作品。因此,对马克思主义文艺理论的研究就显得尤为重要。首先,我们需要探讨马克思主义文艺理论的基本内容,即文学艺术与社会的关系问题。  一、人的主观能动性的关键作用  社会生活是一种客观存在,属于物质范畴,而文艺作品是用物质性的材料对社会生活的特点进行描绘,文艺作品的创作来源于社会生活,它属于
【摘要】:想象是音乐学习的心理过程的一个组成部分,在音乐学习和音乐创作中有非常重要的作。本文主要从想象的特点、想象的种类以及在音乐学习与创作的作用,来论述音乐学习中想象有着非常重要的作用。  【关键词】:音乐学习;想象;音乐创作;重要作用  前言   音乐学习是一个非常复杂的心理过程,它不仅有着一般学习下的心理活动,而且还包含了音乐这门学科学习时的特殊心理活动,这两类活动相互交织在一起,两者之间相
【摘要】:从基础教学的角度讲,一件好的写生作品,应该是形象、结构、美感完美结合,并有自己独特的表现手法的作品。雕塑基础教育要培养学生审美意识能力和创造性思维能力,养成对形体认识的自主分析能力和塑造能力。增强制作兴趣,学习与创作并重。  【关键词】:雕塑基础;审美能力;创造性思维  长期以来,在雕塑教学中雕塑基础教学对于学生的发展有着重要的意义,基础教学课程中素描、速写、泥塑、小作品的创作等都为学生