华泉坤撰写的《德雷克和世界第一口油井》一文在本刊第3期发表后,有些读者对该文的提法提出异议,认为世界第一口油井在中国而不在美国。现将诸家说法综述如下: 湖北读者党仁珊来信说,世界第一口油井既不是美国于1859年开凿的,也不是苏联于1848年开凿的,而是中国于1303年前在陕北凿成的。《元统一志》第542卷中有这样一段记载:“延长县南迎河有凿开石抽一井,其油可燃,兼治六畜疥癣,岁纳110斤。又延川县西
After the article “Drake and the World’s First Oil Well” by Hua Quankun was published in Issue 3 of this issue, some readers disagreed on the formulation of the article, arguing that the world’s first oil well was in China rather than the United States. Now, all the statements are summarized as follows: Letter from Hubei Readers’ Party Ren Shan said that the world’s first oil well was neither excavated by the United States in 1859, nor was the Soviet Union dug in 1848, but rather China was chiselled in northern Shaanxi by 1303 Into “Yuan Yi Zhi” Volume 542 has such a record: "Yanchang County, South Yinghe has a rock digging a well, its oil flammable, and six livestock scabies, aged 110 pounds. And Yanchuan West