Chemical-looping gasification of biomass in a 10 kW_(th) interconnected fluidized bed reactor using

来源 :燃料化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjj1993930
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Abstract:The aim of this research is to design and operate a 10 kW hot chemical-looping gasification(CLG)unit using Fe2O3/Al2O3as an oxygen carrier and saw dust as a fuel.The effect of the operation temperature on gas composition in the air reactor and the fuel reactor,and the carbon conversion of biomass to CO2and CO in the fuel reactor have been experimentally studied.A total60 h run has been obtained with the same batch of oxygen carrier of iron oxide supported with alumina.The results show that CO and H2concentrations are increased with increasing temperature in the fuel reactor.It is also found that with increasing fuel reactor temperature,both the amount of residual char in the fuel reactor and CO2concentration of the exit gas from the air reactor are degreased.Carbon conversion rate and gasification efficiency are increased by increasing temperature and H2production at 870℃reaches the highest rate.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD)and BET-surface area tests have been used to characterize fresh and reacted oxygen carrier particles.The results display that the oxygen carrier activity is not declined and the specific surface area of the oxygen carrier particles is not decreased significantly. Abstract: The aim of this research is to design and operate a 10 kW hot chemical-looping gasification (CLG) unit using Fe2O3 / Al2O3 as an oxygen carrier and saw dust as a fuel. The effect of the operation temperature on gas composition in the air reactor and the fuel reactor, and the carbon conversion of biomass to CO2 and CO in the fuel reactor have been experimentally studied. A total 60 h run has been obtained with the same batch of oxygen carrier of iron oxide supported with alumina.The results show that CO and H2concentrations are increased with increasing temperature in the fuel reactor .It also found that with increasing fuel reactor temperature, both of the amount of residual char in the fuel reactor and CO2concentration of the exit gas from the air reactor are degreased.Carbon conversion rate and gasification efficiency are increased by increasing temperature and H2production at 870 ° C reaches the highest rate. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and BET-surface area tes ts have been used to characterize fresh and reacted oxygen carrier particles. The results display that the oxygen carrier activity is not declined and the specific surface area of ​​the oxygen carrier particles is not significantly significantly.
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