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较新出版的一些有机化学教科书,在立体化学部分增加了对旋光现象的解释。然而,某些书籍中对旋光现象的解释不够正确。虽然正确的解释不难在一般的光学书中找到,但这些书中的解释对不熟悉光学的化学系学生来说往往显得过于简要,学生在学习这部分内容时觉得不易理解,某些教师也感到困惑。因此,我们介绍一个通俗易懂而又合理的解释。一、菲涅尔的理论182(?)年,菲涅尔(Fresnel)对旋光现象提出了一个十分简单而又言之成理的解释。据“任何直线的谐振动都可以分解成两个频率相同,初位相相同而反向旋转的圆周运动” Some of the more recently published textbooks on organic chemistry have added explanations for the phenomenon of optical rotation in the stereochemistry section. However, the interpretation of optical rotation in some books is not correct enough. Although the correct explanations are not difficult to find in general optical books, the explanations in these books are often too brief for students who are not familiar with the chemistry of optics. Students find it difficult to understand when learning this part of the content. Some teachers also Confused. Therefore, we introduce an easy-to-understand and reasonable explanation. One, Fresnel’s Theory 182 (?) years, Fresnel (Fresnel) put forward a very simple and reasonable explanation of the phenomenon of optical rotation. According to “any linear resonance can be decomposed into two circular motions with the same frequency and the same initial phase and reverse rotation.”
博弈论考虑的问题是:在一个游戏中,当游戏参加者采取不同策略时,他们会得到不同的收益。那么,为了提高各自的收益,他们应该采取什么样的策略呢?“囚徒困境”是博弈论的一 T
案情简介: 1988年6月,南京市第一建筑公司陆启春受派赴美国太平洋建筑开发有限公司(下称太平洋公司)工作,1989年12月26日,陆启春在关岛建筑工地因工伤死亡。美国关岛保险公
Immunoglobulin A nephropathy(IgAN) is characterized by different clinical manifestations and by long-term different outcomes. Major problem for the physicians i