记得刚进入人大机关工作那阵子,招来不少羡慕的目光。可不是嘛,地方国家权力机关,铁交椅、铁工资、铁饭碗。说实在的,那阵子本人心里确实有几份得意。花红柳绿,春去冬来,一晃快10年了,本人除了年纪长了一把及初为人夫、继为人父之外,其他倒没觉得有什么大的变化。可留神周围,外面的世界越来越精彩,街上的漂亮摩托车多了,人们的衣着愈来愈高档了,不少人身上安上了大哥大、BP 机一类的玩意儿,其他诸如住房装修、家俱翻新更是一浪高过一浪,可自己仿佛是局外人。一次老同学聚会,有几个当年很要好的变得大腹便便,举手投足之间都显出一股款味。一时间,我竟有些迷茫。
I remember that just entered the NPC work that time, attracted a lot of envious eyes. Is not it, local state organs, iron chairs, iron wages, iron rice bowl. To be honest, I did have a few proud moments in my heart. Blossoming willow green, spring to winter, flash almost 10 years, in addition to a long time I am a man, followed by the father, the other did not feel any big change. Can be around, the world outside more and more exciting, the street more beautiful motorcycles, people’s clothes more and more upscale, and many people put on the big brother, BP machine type of stuff, such as Housing renovation, furniture renovation is a wave after wave, but it seems like an outsider. An old class reunion, there are several very good year to become potbellied, gestures show a share of taste between. For a time, I actually somewhat confused.