在人文科学和阐释性社会科学内部,语言仍继续定义研究的界限。但是,这种语言学的霸权现在正受到一种越来越频繁提出的数学转向倡议的挑战。在20世纪,语言之所以崛起为如此众多学科的研究的主能指(master signifier),是因为学科的自主性被呈现为社会生活被普遍经由趋向量化的金钱媒介所组织的一个重大例外。这种异常现象正在变得不是那么强而有力,因为大学在其自我组织和内部结构方面正变得越来越具有后话语性(postdiscursive)。正是这些情况,激发了当代对某种数学转向的呼吁。
Within the humanities and interpretive social sciences, language continues to define the boundaries of research. However, this linguistic hegemony is now challenged by a math-turning initiative that is increasingly put forth. The rise of language in the twentieth century as the master signifier for the research of so many disciplines is due to the autonomy of disciplines being presented as a major exception to the general tendency of the mass of the social life to be quantified. This anomaly is becoming less powerful and powerful as universities are becoming more and more postdiscursive in their self-organization and internal structure. It is these circumstances that have inspired contemporary calls for some mathematical turnaround.