博帕尔灾难 1984年12月3日,美国的跨国公司联合碳化物公司在印度中央邦首府博帕尔开办的一家农药厂,发生了一起严重的毒气泄漏事故,给当地居民带来巨大的灾难。 12月2日子夜,农药厂的一个储气罐压力在急剧上升, 里面装的45吨液态剧毒性异氰酸甲酯,是用来制造农药西 维因和涕灭威的原料。3日0时56分,储气罐阀门失灵,罐 内的剧毒化学物质漏了出来,以气体的形态迅速向外扩散。 那天晚上没有风,空中弥漫着大雾,使得毒气以较大的浓 度缓缓扩散,传播着死亡。
The Bhopal Disaster On December 3, 1984, a U.S. multinational corporation, Union Carbide Corporation, had a serious gas leak in a pesticide factory in Bhopal, the capital of India’s Madhya Pradesh, bringing huge disasters to local residents. . On the night of December 2, the pressure of a gas storage tank in the pesticide plant rose sharply. The 45 tons of highly toxic liquid isocyanate contained in the tank was used as a raw material for the manufacture of pesticides such as carbaryl and aldicarb. At 0:56 on the 3rd, the valve of the gas tank failed and the highly toxic chemicals in the tank leaked out and quickly spread outward in the form of gas. There was no wind that evening, and the sky was filled with heavy fog, causing the poisonous gas to diffuse slowly and spreading death.