脑中风严重威胁着人类的健康 ,且发病率有增长趋势。脑中风包括脑出血和脑梗塞 ,两者引起中枢神经系统的损伤都具有神经细胞缺血 /缺氧的病理发展过程。以往的研究认为脑缺血 /缺氧后神经细胞的损伤属于坏死过程 ,近年来研究表明脑缺血 /缺氧后神经细胞的死亡有许多属于细胞凋
Stroke is a serious threat to human health, and the incidence rate has an increasing trend. Cerebral stroke includes cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. Both of them cause damage to the central nervous system and all have pathological processes of neuronal ischemia/hypoxia. Previous studies have suggested that neuronal damage after cerebral ischemia/hypoxia is a necrotic process. Recent studies have shown that neuronal cell death after cerebral ischemia/hypoxia has many cell deaths.