《列方程解应用题》第一节课有两个例题:例1,学校图书馆买来27本文艺书和一批科技书,这两种书一共是50本。买来科技书多少本?例2,沿河生产队去年养猪350头,比前年养的猪多87头。前年养猪多少头?这是新教材,又是第一节课,要讲的内容多。既有如何设未知数 X,又有如何找等最关系;既有如何列方程,又有如何解方程、验算;还有用列方程解与用算术方法解应用题的区别等等。要教好这一课,必须改进教学方法。找准精讲的重点
There are two examples in the first class of “Applied Equation of Column Equations”: Example 1: The school library bought 27 literature and art books and a group of science and technology books. These two books total 50 books. How many books of science and technology bought this? Example 2, pigs along the river 350 pigs last year, more than the previous year, 87 pigs. How many pigs were pigs in the previous year? This is a new teaching material, but also the first class, to say more. Both how to set the unknown X, but also how to find the most relevant; both how to rank equations, but also how to solve equations, checking; there column solution and the use of mathematical methods to solve the problem and so on. To teach this lesson, we must improve our teaching methods. Pinpoint the focus of attention