High-performance computing environment: a review of twenty years of experiments in China

来源 :National Science Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superzergking
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A high-performance computing environment, also known as a supercomputing environment, e-Science environment or cyberinfrastructure, is a crucial system that connects users’ applications to supercomputers,and provides usability, eiciency, sharing, and collaboration capabilities. his review presents important lessons drawn from China’s nationwide eforts to build and use a high-performance computing environment over the past 20 years(1995–2015), including three observations and two open problems. We present evidence that such an environment helps to grow China’s nationwide supercomputing ecosystem by orders of magnitude, where a loosely coupled architecture accommodates diversity. An important open problem is why technology for global networked supercomputing has not yet become as widespread as the Internet or Web. In the next 20 years, high-performance computing environments will need to provide zetalops computing capability and 10 000 times beter energy eiciency, and support seamless human-cyber-physical ternary computing. A high-performance computing environment, also known as a supercomputing environment, e-Science environment or cyberinfrastructure, is a crucial system that coupling users’ applications to supercomputers, and provides usability, eiciency, sharing, and collaboration capabilities. His review presents important lessons drawn from China’s nationwide eforts to build and use a high-performance computing environment over the past 20 years (1995-2015), including three observations and two open problems. We present evidence that such an environment helps to grow China’s nationwide supercomputing ecosystem by orders of magnitude, where a loosely coupled architecture accommodates diversity. An important open problem is why technology for global networked supercomputing has not yet become as as as as Internet or Web. In the next 20 years, high-performance computing environments will need to provide zetalops computing capability and 10 000 times beter energy eiciency, and support seamless human-cyber-physical ternary computing.
我院1994年1月至1995年1月收住院支气管哮喘病人120例,其中合并高血压病52例。治疗方法:25%硫酸镁10ml+5%葡萄糖500ml 静滴,每日1次,硝苯吡啶10mg,每日3次口服,654-210mg+5%
这几年,每逢年底岁末,人们一见面就叹息,年味越来越淡了!年味是什么?离家进城几十年了,但家乡那浓郁的年味还一直让我难以忘怀。每隔上三两年,我就会不辞辛苦,携家带口,回家乡过年,不为别的,就是想重温一下那久违的年味。   年味之首,自然就是弥漫在空气中的硝烟味。一进腊月,就开始响起“噼噼啪啪”的鞭炮声,二踢脚、麻雷子,高一声,低一声,你张开鼻子,便能闻到淡淡的硝烟味。随着烟味越来越浓,年也就越来越近
物理小实验是物理教学的重要工具。它浅显易懂,学生看得明白;它真实可靠,学生可以模仿;它妙趣横生,学生容易激发兴趣;它简单易行,学生学习效率高。 Physics experiment is a