他在统计局工作了六个年头,六年来,他没有当“官”的架子,没有优厚的俸禄,没有怨言,也没有懊恼,常常给你一个舒心的微笑。——第四次人口普查他通宵达旦,熬着日日夜夜; ——他苦心设计着考核工业企业经济效益指标和方案; ——他来到田间地头估产、实测; 他……他……这一个一个的镜头,构成了他的蒙太奇形象。统计是一门比较深奥的社会科学,涉及到许多学术领域。五年来,他淌游在知识的海域,劈涛拨浪,潜心钻研,以惊人的毅力自学了各专业统计学科基
He worked for six years at the Bureau of Statistics. In the past six years, he did not have a “bureaucratic” shelf, no decent salary, no complaints or annoyances, and often gave you a pleasant smile. - The fourth census overnight, up and down, boil day and night; - He painstakingly designed to assess the economic benefits of industrial enterprises indicators and programs; - He came to the field to estimate the production, measured; he ...... he ... This one by one lens, constitute his montage image. Statistics is a more profound social science, involving many academic fields. In the past five years, he has been drifting in the waters of knowledge and has devoted himself to researching and studying with astonishing perseverance.