The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the hot areas next to the Turpan Basin in summer in China. Nanjing is one of the three “stoves” along the Yangtze River. In Nanjing, the average temperature in July was 28.2 ℃ with an average maximum temperature of 32.2 ℃. In summer, the average days of summer heat were more than 48 days and that of hot days was not less than 3 days. From the relatively hot 1959, 1961, 1966, 1967 and 1971 after liberation, the average “heat day” is 62.6 days, and “hot day” is 9.4 days. Nanjing, the average daily temperature ≥ 40 ℃ days, not only in July there, an average of 0.25 days in August, which is unique in Jiangsu. During the hot weather, some asphalt pavement on the streets of Nanjing was roasted. When the car passed by, it would turn out black pulp. The extreme maximum temperature is also a sign of the hot summer climate. July 13, 1934, Nanjing temperature has reached 43 ℃, all experienced