李某,男,44岁。因乏力,上腹胀一月余。1985年10月28日检查,浅表淋巴结不大,肝剑突下2cm,脾肋下3cm,质中,未有压痛。实验室检查:Hb107克/L,WBC5.8×10~9/L,BPC12×10~9/L。大便孵化3次阴性。摄片检查来见食道静脉曲张。同年11月肝肋下1cm,剑突下2.5cm,脾脐下1cm。Hb80.5g/L,WBC5.7×10~9/L,BPC37×10~9/L,Ht39%,肝肾功能正常。HBsAg和α FP阴性。IgG680mg/dl,IgA71mg/dl,1gM78mg/dl,CEA5.5
Lee, male, 44 years old. Due to fatigue, abdominal distension for more than a month. October 28, 1985 examination, superficial lymph nodes, liver xiphoid 2cm, 3cm under the spleen ribs, quality, no tenderness. Laboratory tests: Hb107 g / L, WBC5.8 × 10 ~ 9 / L, PCB12 × 10 ~ 9 / L. 3 stools incubated negative. Video inspection to see esophageal varices. In November the same year liver ribs 1cm, xiphoid 2.5cm, spleen umbilical 1cm. Hb80.5g / L, WBC5.7 × 10 ~ 9 / L, BPC37 × 10 ~ 9 / L, Ht39%, liver and kidney function is normal. HBsAg and α FP negative. IgG680 mg / dl, IgA 71 mg / dl, Ig g78 mg / dl, CEA5.5