英语句型在中学课本中占有很大的篇幅,特别在初中阶段,每一课都是由句型和课文两大部分组成,但课文的编排都是围绕着句型内容而定的。因此,学好了句型,对提高英语教学质量有着极大的促进作用。如何教好句型,近几年来,我充分利用电教手段进行句型教学,收到了较好的教学效果,我的作法大致是: 一、听说领先,使学生获得所学句型的感性认识。根据青少年听觉灵敏,模仿力强的生理特点,我首先采取了听说领先的原则。充分发挥录音机、磁带、有声资料的作用。听录音机一是听买来的原声磁带,二是听自己放慢了速度朗读录制的磁带。听说的步骤是先听说已学过的句型,在复习旧知识的
English sentences occupy a large space in secondary school textbooks, especially in the junior middle school. Each lesson consists of two parts: sentence pattern and text. However, the arrangement of texts is based on the content of sentences. Therefore, to learn sentence patterns, to improve the quality of English teaching has a great role in promoting. How to teach sentence patterns, in recent years, I make full use of teaching methods to teach sentence patterns, received a good teaching results, my approach is roughly: First, I heard that leading students to get the Sentence patterns learned perceptual knowledge . According to the juvenile hearing sensitive, strong imitation of the physiological characteristics, I first took the leading principle of listening and speaking. Give full play to tape recorders, tapes, audio data. Listen to the tape recorder to listen to the original soundtrack tape bought, and second, listen to yourself slowed down to read the recorded tape. I heard the first step is to hear the sentence has been learned in the review of the old knowledge