Cumulative rates ([Σ (P_i × I_i)] × 100%) and cumulative hazard ({1 -e ~ (1 [Σ (P_i × I_i)])} × 100% have been observed in the study of Tumor Statistics and Epidemiology in. The accumulative rate of such low-incidence diseases is calculated within 1%, which is consistent with the cumulative risk calculation results. When the cumulative rate is less than 30%, the error increases with the cumulative risk and should not be used. Cardiovascular disease is a low incidence of disease, the cumulative rate is often less than 10%, it can use the above two indicators. Because of its simple calculation, intuitive and easy to grasp, so in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease area, do a good job of daily disease incidence, death registration reporting system, calculate the cumulative rate, cumulative risk, equivalent to Cohort observation and research, access to systematic Data to clarify the strength and weakness of risk factors and extent of action.