Petit Bateau是一个历史悠久的法国服装品牌,成立于1893年,本次与风格活跃大胆的室内设计师PatrickNorguet合作设计位于巴黎的零售门店,新店铺采用了一套全新的品牌视觉系统。鉴于产品线最突出的特色在于高品质的纯棉贴身服饰,实在的手感,舒适的触觉,以及清纯温馨的产品色系,这些都促使Patrick Norguet全力融合纯粹、多彩、敏感的条纹图案以及夜晚的舒适放松,这些强烈感染力的概念元素,来进行新的零售空间的设计。
Founded in 1893 as a historic French clothing brand, Petit Bateau collaborated with Patrick Norguet, an active and daring interior designer, to design a retail store in Paris using a brand new branded vision system. In view of the most prominent feature of the product line is the high quality cotton personal clothing, real feel, comfortable touch, and pure and warm product color, which prompted Patrick Norguet full integration of pure, colorful, sensitive stripes and patterns at night Comfortable and relaxed, these highly contagious concept elements allow for the design of new retail spaces.