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  【ABSTRACT】With the development of The Times and the improvement of people's living standards,people's demand for the aesthetics of commodities becomes more and more intense. As the capital of shandong province,jinan has a long history and a lot of valuable cultural heritage. Jinan's tourism culture highlights the "spring city" characteristics,there are treasure soil spring,black tiger spring,pearl spring,wu longtan four springs. There are popular tourists furong street,wide thick li,qianfo mountain and other places. Similarly,jinan's unique cuisine attracts a large number of tourists,such as pingyin rose cake,oil swirl,straw bun and so on. But the food has yet to be officially branded and packaged. If a brand can be used to promote jinan cuisine and tourism resources as a whole,it will play an extremely important role in driving the economic development of jinan. The tourism resources of jinan should be improved to make its culture trend towards diversity,diversification,modernization and commercialization.
  【Key words】Urban tourism;Brand image;Characteristic food
  一、Research on tourism products in Jinan
  (一)Local investigation and analysis
  According to the field investigation,so far,Jinan has not a complete brand to integrate its characteristic food and tourist attractions for publicity and promotion. The scenic spots have not yet formed a perfect and unified brand,which is generally chaotic. The promotion form of scenic spots is more traditional and lacks the application of modern promotion and publicity,which will also be the work of further in-depth discussion of this topic. The following is a specific analysis of Jinan's tourism resources:
  Jinan has a long history of traditional specialties,such as straw buns,Pingyin rose flower cakes,oil spinning,etc.
  二、Jinan tourism brand design process
  (一)Brand image logo design
  1. Determination and application of sign graphics
  Finally,the logo adopts the combination of graphics and Chinese and English fonts to present the overall effect. Fully integrate the word "rumengling" with regional culture and historical details,on the one hand,reflect the brand image of Jinan tourism products,on the other hand,give more profound inheritance to regional culture. The color is expressed by the color of "spring water",and the words "rumengling" are combined with the characteristics of Li Qingzhao's Ci. The overall soft and delicate feeling is suitable for the audience's aesthetics,solemn but lively,highlighting the overall visual image of Jinan tourism. The application of different colors according to different needs can make the audience better understand the richness of Jinan tourism and arouse people's consumption desire,As shown in Figure 1.   (二)Illustration design
  Finalization of illustration design
  The design of basic graphics plays a vital role in the post design and production of brand image. On the basis of early drawing,graphics are combined with colors with different cultural meanings,and different combinations are matched to make them have more profound cultural connotation and design beauty. The graphics are applied as bright orange,which has strong recognition. The standard color of the brand logo is applied,and the overall color is blue,which makes the overall pattern richer,As shown in Figure 2-4.
  三、Jinan tourism brand design process
  (一)Cultural and creative product design
  In today's increasingly popular tourism culture,Jinan should launch cultural and creative products in line with its own regional characteristics. Through the analysis of Jinan's regional characteristics,tourist attractions and historical figures,extract the landmark buildings in Jinan's tourist attractions for illustration design,and comprehensively promote them in combination with the modern model. Jinan's unique cultural connotation and regional characteristics are added to the design of tourism cultural and creative products in Jinan,which has played a great role in promoting Jinan's regional culture and promoting the development of local economy and related industries,As shown in Figure 5-9.
  In this design,I mainly take the regional culture of Jinan as the innovation point to enhance people's further understanding of Jinan culture,further integrate the characteristics of the times and regional characteristics,and fully accommodate the regional elements with history and culture.
  Through this visual image design of Jinan tourism products,taking regional culture as the innovation point,Jinan tourism industry has urban cultural heritage,so that I have a deeper understanding of Jinan's history and culture,and improve my cognition of brand image design. I hope that through my design concept,people can better understand Jinan and promote Jinan tourism.
  [1] Li Hongfei. Research on Gansu wine packaging design under the characteristics of regional culture [D]. Northwest Normal University,2016,6-23
  [2] Wang Jianjian. Application of hand-painted illustration in modern packaging design [D]. Qufu Normal University,2015,1-50
  [3] Hao Jing. Application of regional culture in wine packaging design [D]. Hunan University of technology,2016,5-21
  [4] Zhou Yuguo. Research on the application of illustration in packaging design [J]. Packer,2016,3-11
【摘 要】随着科学技术的发展,“微文化”悄然诞生于教育领域,微视频、微课、微信、微电影等的应用为中职英语教学带来了新的生机,其中微视频具有时间短,核心思想突出等优点,将其运用到中职英语教学课堂中既不会喧宾夺主,又能够为中职英语教学提供足够的教学素材,在此,笔者结合个人的教学实践,总结了一些个人对微视频在中职英语教学中的看法。  【关键词】微视频;中职英语教学;积极影响;应用  微视频在中职英语教学
【摘 要】新冠肺炎疫情为在线教育创造了前所未有的发展机遇,但网课平台的发展乱象丛生,网课平台传播不良信息层出不穷。网课平台逐利性、外部监督疲软性、法律规范阙如性导致不良信息治理难度大。《未成年人保护法》为探索网课平台传播不良信息的多维治理提供了路径指引。接榫既有立法资源和立法逻辑,秉持社会协同治理理论,从平台自治角度构建不良信息内部管理审查机制;从社会共治层面加强政府、学校、家庭监督监管;从责任规
【摘 要】学生在学习英语、语文学科知识内容的过程中,任课教师都会在课堂中开展不同类型的朗读活动,其目的就是为了能够有效的培养学生的学习语感,学生在英语考试的过程中,或者是在日常进行习题的练习过程中,有的题目明明自己不会错,却总能把答案选对,这不是偶然发生的事件,而是因为有在日常课堂学习中,所形成的语感,这是提高学生英语学习能力的关键,因此,本文就初中英语课堂中语感培养教学策略,进行有效的分析和总结
【摘 要】兴趣是最好的老师。它是学生的自主学习的动力,也是教育链中必不可少的环节。因为只有有足够的兴趣才能使学生变得积极主动,才能充满信心地取得长足的进步,体验学习英语的成功和享受。本文从高中英语教学的现状入手,探讨了激发学生学习英语兴趣的方法。  【关键词】高中英语;学习兴趣;训练策略  对于高中学生来说,英语是必修课。学习英语可以帮助高中学生提高英语水平,了解西方文化习俗,树立全面的世界观,并
【摘 要】新课程改革的不断深入和发展,给初中物理课程教学提出了更高的需求。想要全面提升物理课程的效率,教师需要全面摒弃传统教学模式,巧用问题情境的方式,引导学生对提出的问题进行思考-分析-解决,有助于提升学生学习效率,在创设的情境中对初中物理学习产生极大的乐趣。因此,本文主要从多个方面设置问题情境,以构建更加高效的初中物理课堂。  【关键词】问题情境;初中物理;教学质量  问题情境的创设能够发挥出
【摘 要】随着社会经济的发展与进步,各个行业对于人才的需求数量,是非常多的,这在一定程度上,促进了教学体系的改革与完善,人们对于教育行业的关注,也可以越来越多的教学工作者,开始对于自己的教学理念进行不断的创新,在初中数学教学中,教师对于学生的数学学习能力,提出了更高的要求,通过对于学生数学核心素养的培养,也可以提高课堂的教学有效性,因此,本文就提高初中数学课堂教学有效性的策略研究,进行分析和总结。
【摘 要】当前,高中教学历史存在很多问题:过于注重应试的历史教学:历史教学的人性化被忽视;学生的基本地位被忽视。针对以上问题,高中历史教师在进行教学时,应更新历史教学观念,创新历史教学方法。科学的组织考核方法,使高中历史课更加有趣,精致和有效,并不断提高学生历史学习能力,激发学生的学习历史兴趣,提升他们的历史学习技能和增强学生的历史学习素质。  【关键词】高中历史;高效课堂;构建策略  随着经济和
【摘 要】在新课改背景下,学生的综合素养受到了家长和教育者的广泛关注,教育教学以逐渐向培养学生的学科素养和综合能力发展。让学生拥有良好的科学精神,促进学生的科学素养培养是关系学生一生的大事。因此,初中科学作为培养学生科学素养的重要途径,在课堂上,教师要积极改进和优化教学模式,采用多种有效的措施来构建高效优质的课堂教学。本文着重就如何促进初中科学课堂教学的高效优质发展做详细阐述。  【关键词】新课改
【摘 要】随着我国教育改革的不断深入,人们越来越关注和重视课堂教育。但是由于传统的教学观念和固有的思维方式,教师死板的教学并不能被学生很好的吸收甚至接受。尤其化学作为一门偏理工类的学科,本身的难度就已经让很多学生望而生畏了。对此,在初中化学课程的教学中,要合理的使用课堂导入推动教学进程。,课堂导入法的应用,可以更好地让学生对化学抽象的概念进行深入的分析和理解,并合理地调控学生学习的兴趣,帮助学生快
【摘 要】中职教育在我国教育体系中属于较为特殊的一个组成,中职学校的办学理念主要为培养更多技术性更强的人才,为国家建设以及社会发展提供源源不断的人才保障。在新课程改革政策实行之后,中职教育的变化十分明显,既强调以全面育人为核心的教育理念,又强调多位一体的教学模式应用,在此基础上实现教育育人的目标。基于此,本文主要对小组合作在中职数学教学中的应用进行了分析探究。  【关键词】中职教育;中职数学;小组