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  I am a volunteer mentor2 in our local middle school. Recently, while working with my excellent young man, I wrote him a note regarding an assignment he needed to work on.3 “Here,” I said, “keep this with you so you don’t forget.”
  He took the slip4 of paper and stared at it for a moment before commenting, “I can’t read this.”
  I wasn’t sure what he meant. I retrieved5 the note and examined it. It was my best Palmer penmanship, with delicately curved letters listing gently to the right.6 And then the boy interjected7, “I can’t read cursive.”
  It’s true, then. The news about schools no longer teaching handwriting. The idea, as I understand it, is that students use keyboards now, so where exactly does cursive fit in? At the risk of sounding like a creature on the verge of extinction, or worse, a nostalgist,8 let me count the ways.
  First, there continues to be a need to sign “hard copies” of documents.9 There is a sense of ceremony and a seriousness of purpose about the act of signing something. It calls to mind the signers of The Declaration of Independence10. Just look at those signatures! John Hancock’s was so robust, original, and elaborate that, more than 200 years later, it still serves as the unmistakable logo of a namesake insurance company.11 And why not? It is a work of art.
  Second, a great part of the history of the United States is recorded in handwritten documents, including personal letters. There is nothing like seeing, and, if opportunity permits, touching, actual source material rendered by pen ink on paper.12 If one has not been taught to write in cursive, it is unlikely that one will be able to read it.
  Third, handwriting is often a manifestation13 of one’s personality. I had a favorite fifth-grade teacher (back in the Paleolithic Era) whose handwriting was nothing short of regal—prim,14 proper, and lovely, as was she. Similarly, another teacher’s script was crabbed and jagged, perhaps a reflection of her prickly nature vis-à-vis her young, and sometimes unruly, charges.15
  Fourth, and perhaps most important, when one is trying to learn something, somewhere in the process there must be a slow step. Writing “longhand” is a means of slowing down enough to be able to think deeply about what one is penning.16
  The campaign to do away with cursive has been precipitous, with supporters almost giddy about the prospect.17 I have tried, to the extent that I can, to offer respectful opposition, but all my arguments seem to fall on deaf ears18. One teacher offered that if there were really a need to jot something down, then one could just print it in block letters.19
007, 911, 999, 419 and 404 are few of the many numerical codes we often come across2. 007 is synonymous with the top fictional spy, James Bond.3 911 is the emergency code of the United States. 999 is
失踪疑云  5月,天门山翼装飞行女大学生失踪一事,引发了全网的密切关注。  经过近一周时间救援人员的地毯式搜救,5月18日上午,失联多日的女大学生刘某被发现,不幸的是,刘某已确认身亡。  事件最初发酵于5月15日某旅游博主的一则微博,消息中称, 5月12日11时许,北京一名女大学生刘某在张家界天门山景区进行翼装飞行时失联,失联原因主要在于刘某未携带手机、GPS等定位通讯设备。  自消息传播后,近千
2016年3月,首尔举行了一场令人瞩目的人机围棋大战。谷歌在伦敦开发的电脑围棋程序AlphaGo(阿尔法围棋),居然以四胜一负的辉煌战绩,重挫了韩国的顶尖棋士李世石,引发了全球各界的巨大回响。  作为一个语文研究者,我观察的视角有些不同,或从西洋文学之中汲取智慧,加以反思,或从词语翻译的角度切入,探讨文化。  首先,人工智能的发展一日千里,进步神速,有人因此担心,将来的人工智能会不会全面超过人脑,
藏东南最大之冰川堰塞湖巴松错,是专指被“错久、 布热、 错高、 结巴”四村所环绕的一个湖泊, 它既是藏东南区域最大的自然湖泊,同时也是林芝地区重要的神湖。这个集自然灵秀与悠久人文于一体的大湖,以其林木繁茂和群山耸立中的那一池碧水而广为外界所知。但是更加丰满和精彩的巴松错,远不止那一湖、一岛、一寺,那周边的满山苍翠、高原雪峰、入湖河流所流经的河谷地带,甚至是一泓碧蓝的水底世界,都蕴藏着一个别致的、更
電影《罗生门》讲述了在一宗命案中涉案人员各说各话使得真相扑朔迷离的故事,从而质疑了人类是否真正有了解真相的能力。这一主题其实并不新颖,早已有哲学家表达过类似观点,但是在打动人心、启发思考等方面,似乎哲学要落后电影许多。上帝已死,真理不复存在,人类自此迷茫困惑、孤立无援,但有一件事或许可以令我们感到安慰:我们如今能够以更多的视角去看待生命与世界。  Picture this: a man—a sam
The End of the Stiff Upper Lip?  Several years ago, there was a moment when I stood in the pouring rain watching the Royal Flotilla during the Diamond Jubilee when I thought I might be on to something
写给喵星人的诗  夏尔·皮埃尔·波德莱尔(法国19世纪最著名的现代派诗人),《猫》  爱德华·利尔(英国漫画家、幽默作家),《猫头鹰和猫咪》  艾米莉·狄金森(美国最伟大的诗人之一),《摇尾巴的小狗》  西尔维娅·普拉斯(美国诗人、小说家),《艾拉·梅森和她的11只猫》  巴勃鲁·聂鲁达(智利当代著名诗人),《猫之梦》  威廉·巴特勒`叶芝(爱尔兰诗人、剧作家),《猫和月亮》  赖内·马利亚·里尔
犹他州的峡谷风貌。  Moab 240,是美国皇冠200英里系列赛中距离最长的赛事,赛道约240英里。比赛从犹他州的Moab出发,沿着科罗拉多河,穿越峡谷地国家公园(Canyonlands National Park),向南进入蓝山山脉(Abajo Mountain Range),再向北翻越拉萨尔山脉( La Sal Mountain Range)之后返回Moab,累计爬升9000米,是一个无重复
《最高贵的乐器》(“The Noblest Instrument”)是美国著名作家克劳伦斯·戴伊(Clarence Day, 1874—1935)最著名的自传体作品《与父亲一起生活的日子》(Life with Father)中的一篇。作者的父亲老克劳伦斯很重视儿子们的教育,包括音乐教育。有一天,老克劳伦斯决定开始让作者学小提琴,并请了德国老师M先生为他授课。  从此以后全家人不得不忍受作者练琴时发