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  Picture this: a man—a samurai1—is killed in a grove. One by one, all those involved are brought before a court. The woodcutter talks of the horror that seized him when he stumbled upon2 the body. The priest testifies that he had seen the man earlier and identifies a likely attacker. Then the attacker, Tajōmaru, is brought in. He claims he tied up the samurai, seduced his wife right in front of him, and afterwards killed the samurai in a swordfight. Some readers might recognise the plot outline. The film is Akira Kurosawa’s masterpiece Rash?mon(1950), which treats viewers to a unique feast: thinking on screen, philosophising not through any structured argumentation, nor in abstruse language,3 but via exquisite storytelling, compelling imagery and innovative cinematography. It’s then the turn of the samurai’s wife to give testimony. In her story, she is raped by Tajōmaru, who leaves without killing her husband. After the rape, she unties her husband, but then passes out, only to awake to find her husband dead next to her, having committed suicide.
  The philosophical puzzle at the core of Kurosawa’s film is clear already: what if we can’t really know and tell what’s going on? If whatever account we produce about the world around us is a world unto itself, and each person’s account is wildly different from any other’s, with no way of knowing whose one is actually the case?
  Even more compellingly, we then hear, via a medium, the version of the dead samurai himself: after Tajōmaru sleeps with his wife, the brigand begs her to go away with him,4 which she accepts on the condition that he kills her husband. But Tajōmaru suddenly takes her husband’s side. Somehow the lady manages to escape, the brigand frees the samurai and leaves, and the latter commits suicide.
  Kurosawa’s characters look at the same world, yet for moral or cognitive reasons their accounts of what they see are worlds in themselves, making it impossible to know what the actual world is like. The film’s ultimate message is that we are fundamentally unable to “tell the truth”.
  What we hear next is yet another version, the woodcutter’s. He had witnessed the whole thing, but didn’t tell the court. He gives his account after the trial, under the Rash?mon gate: after Tajōmaru sleeps with the lady, he begs her to marry him. Unmoved, she frees her husband and challenges him to fight the brigand. The samurai engages Tajōmaru in a swordfight, in which he is killed.   This is the latest version, but we can’t say it’s the true one. Had there been more people involved, we would have heard even more accounts, each more different than the last. Philosophically, this is nothing new: from Friedrich Nietzsche’s deconstruction of truth in terms of the “will to power” to Richard Rorty’s notion that truth is “made rather than found” to our own age’s “social construction” of everything, we’ve got accustomed to a world that seems to have dispensed itself of the need to know where the truth lies.5 Disturbing as its message might be at a human level, Kurosawa’s film joins a conversation that has been going on for a while now in Western philosophy.
  In his films, Kurosawa does exactly what any good filmmaker should do: provoke viewers into transcending what they see on screen, engage with big questions about the human condition, pursue philosophical ends through cinematic means. Regardless of whether films satisfy some technical definition of philosophy, the fact remains that they can have on us the same effect that the great, perennial6 works of philosophy do: shake and awaken us, breathe new life into our minds, open us up to new ways of seeing ourselves and the world around us.
  Most important, however, given philosophers’unhealthy obsession with rationality, filmmakers can teach them what it means to be human: about how shifty, complex and ultimately irrational we can be. We are driven by emotions and passions as much as we are by reason; we employ mythical imagination just as much as argumentative thinking. From film, philosophy can learn many a useful thing—human warmth, social urgency and a way of speaking directly to the human heart—things that don’t abound in philosophical texts.
  Kurosawa’s Rash?mon does exactly that. Not only does the film flesh out the old notion that truth is man-made, but it dramatises and intensifies it in a way that philosophy alone is unable to. Through narrative, filming style, performance, mise-en-scène and such like, we get a sense of what the inability to grasp the real feels like: the conflicting stories are told in flashback,7 which raises the crucial issue of truth’s relationship to memory and forgetting. The remembering and retelling is done during a relentless downpour, as though everything in this world—reality, truth, ourselves—has become liquid. In the court, we never see the judges’ faces, only those of the people brought in to give their wildly conflicting testimonies: they are talking to us—we are the judges, we have to take everything in; then there are shots directly into the Sun, which creates a lingering sense of blindness and disorientation8. All this only deepens the overwhelming impression that what we witness—an ending to our ability to tell the truth—is a tragedy of cosmic9 proportions.   Of course, all this is “only a movie”. In addition, it’s been so much fun toying around with the notion that truth is a human fabrication10, that everything can be endlessly constructed and deconstructed. However, when we’re pushed to accept lies not as lies but as “alternative facts”, we know that the frame of reference is no longer Rorty or Nietzsche, but George Orwell’s11 1984. And it’s not a fiction we read, it’s one we start to inhabit.
  We should have at least seen it coming. After all, Rash?mon gave us plenty of warning.
  想象一下这幅画面:一个男人—— 一位武士——在丛林里被杀害。一个接着一个,所有与案件有关的人都被带到了纠察使署堂前。樵夫说起自己撞见尸体时如何胆战心惊。行脚僧作证自己之前见到了武士并且指认了一个嫌犯。随后,凶手多襄丸出堂受审。他宣称自己绑住了武士,在武士面前勾引了他的妻子,随后在决斗中杀死了武士。
  当然,这一切“仅仅是部电影”。此外,漫不经心地考虑“真理是人类捏造的”或是“万物可以被无限构建与解构”之类的观点一直很有趣。但是,当我们不得不接受谎言并非谎言而是“另一种现实”时,我们就会知道我们参照的不再是罗蒂或者尼采,而是乔治·奥威尔的《1984》。这不是一本我们阅读的虚构小说,而是一个我们开始生活在其中的世界。   我们至少已经看到这个世界的来临。毕竟,《罗生门》给了我们不少警示。
  1. samurai: //(日本旧时的)武士。
  2. stumble upon: 偶然发现。
  3. Akira Kurosawa: 黑泽明,日本电影导演、编剧、制片人,1990年获奥斯卡金像奖终身成就奖;philosophise: 用哲学家的思维研究,(对自然及人生的意义等)郑重地思考或谈论;abstruse: 深奥的。
  4. medium: 灵媒,影片中为一名巫女;brigand: 强盗,土匪。
  5. Friedrich Nietzsche: 弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(1844—1900),德国著名哲学家,被认为是西方现代哲学的开创者,尤其对存在主义与后现代主义哲学的发展影响极大,代表作有《悲剧的诞生》、《查拉图斯特拉如是说》、《偶像的黄昏》等;will to power: “权力意志”,是一切事物的本质,它在量上是不变的、绝对的、永恒的,但也不是僵死不动的,在永恒的运动变化中,事事物物被创造出来,又被消灭,世界就这样不断推陈出新,幻化不已。尼采认为,人的本质就是权力意志,这是一种高级的生命意志,人生的本质就在于不断地表现自己、创造自己、扩张自己,用一句话来概括,就是发挥自己的权力;Richard Rorty: 理查德·罗蒂(1931—2007),当代美国哲学家、思想家,也是美国新实用主义哲学的主要代表之一,著有《哲学与自然之镜》;dispense of: 摒弃,免除。
  6. perennial: // 常在的,亘古不变的。
  7. mise-en-scène: 法语“场面调度”,即placing on stage,原指在戏剧舞台上处理演员表演活动位置的一种技巧,后被引用到电影艺术创作中,指对演员调度和摄影机调度的统一处理;flashback:(小说、戏剧等的)倒叙,(電影、电视等的)闪回,是指根据表达需要,把事件的结局或某个最重要、最突出的片段提到作品前面,然后再从事件的开头按事情的发展顺序进行叙述。
  8. disorientation: 迷失方向。
  9. cosmic: 特大的,无限的。
  10. fabrication: 捏造,虚构。
  11. George Orwell: 乔治·奥威尔(1903—1950),英国小说家、记者和社会评论家,其作品多以揭示社会不公、反对极权、提倡社会民主主义为主题,代表作为政治讽刺小说《动物庄园》和《1984》。
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2016年3月,首尔举行了一场令人瞩目的人机围棋大战。谷歌在伦敦开发的电脑围棋程序AlphaGo(阿尔法围棋),居然以四胜一负的辉煌战绩,重挫了韩国的顶尖棋士李世石,引发了全球各界的巨大回响。  作为一个语文研究者,我观察的视角有些不同,或从西洋文学之中汲取智慧,加以反思,或从词语翻译的角度切入,探讨文化。  首先,人工智能的发展一日千里,进步神速,有人因此担心,将来的人工智能会不会全面超过人脑,
藏东南最大之冰川堰塞湖巴松错,是专指被“错久、 布热、 错高、 结巴”四村所环绕的一个湖泊, 它既是藏东南区域最大的自然湖泊,同时也是林芝地区重要的神湖。这个集自然灵秀与悠久人文于一体的大湖,以其林木繁茂和群山耸立中的那一池碧水而广为外界所知。但是更加丰满和精彩的巴松错,远不止那一湖、一岛、一寺,那周边的满山苍翠、高原雪峰、入湖河流所流经的河谷地带,甚至是一泓碧蓝的水底世界,都蕴藏着一个别致的、更