马礼逊(Robert Morrison,1782-1834)是首位来到中国内地的基督新教传教士,作为中西文化交流史上的重要人物,他在沟通中国文化和西方文化方面做出了重大的贡献。长期以来学术界主要从历史学和宗教学的角度对马礼逊展开了较深入地的研究,~1近年来学术界开始关注他在语言学上的贡献。~2本文以他的《汉英英汉词典》为对象,从中文近代词汇发展的角度对他在这部辞典
Robert Morrison (1782-1834) was the first Protestant missionary who came to mainland China. As an important figure in the history of Sino-Western cultural exchanges, Robert Morrison made a significant contribution to the communication between Chinese culture and Western culture. For a long time, academics have conducted a more in-depth study of Morrison from the perspective of history and religion. In recent years, academia has begun to pay attention to his linguistic contributions. ~ 2 This article is based on his Chinese-English-Chinese-English dictionary. From the angle of the development of modern Chinese vocabulary,