在园本教研活动模式的探索与尝试中,教师发现传统的理论学习一般都是一种“培训者讲、受训者听”的作报告式的方式,信息的传递是单向封闭的,没有多项互动的开放式交流,而且很多学习培训没有专题性、目的性,经常流于形式。怎样的学习才是最好的学习方式,最能促进教师专业化成长? 我们在思索,并进行新学习模式的探索,于是基于行动研究范畴的“辩论式”的园本论坛活动诞生了, 它是一种新型的、互动式学习范式,它有效地推进了我园对新《纲要》的学习和贯彻。
During the exploration and attempt of the model of teaching and research activities in the garden, the teachers found that the traditional theoretical study is generally a kind of reporting style in which “the trainer speaks and the trainee listens”, the information transmission is one-way closed, There are not many interactive and open communications, and many learning and training are not thematic, the purpose, often in the form. What kind of learning is the best way to learn, the most to promote the professional development of teachers? We are thinking, and to explore the new learning model, so based on the field of action research “Debate ” garden Forum event was born , Which is a new type of interactive learning paradigm that effectively promoted our learning and implementation of the new “Outline”.