“希望在这数码年代内,可同时向年轻的一代介绍旧式胶卷机械相机,透过Analogue Photography,感受真切人性化视觉经验。”收集是否等于“拥有”?收集者又是否等同于狂热者?或是,还有……王振焕(Cat Ong)跟Canon AF 35M同年同月出生,小学六年级父亲送他第一部照相机,Pentax“傻瓜机”。他17岁入读香港理工设计系,也终于买下人生第一部单镜反光机,Canon。“以前总以为当摄影师,便得拥有一台单镜反光机,后来才知是个假象罢了!”。第一份工作,在潮流杂志《MILK》中编辑采访有关设计、相机的专题,更策划相机展览,插画师Stella So笔下描绘这位爱相机的大男孩,他黑发冲冠、目光锐利,腰缠救生圈,一脸正气地作状要拯救四散于地摊里的旧相机……结果,当年沉寂的香港深水埗鸭寮街二手相机市场,一度掀起这年青人寻相机的热情。
“I hope in this digital era, we will introduce old-fashioned film cameras to the young generation at the same time and experience real human visual experiences through Analogue Photography.” Does collection mean “owning”? Is the collector equal to Or, and ... Cat Ong was born the same month as the Canon AF 35M, sixth-grader father giving him his first camera, Pentax. He was 17 years old enrolled in Hong Kong Polytechnic Design Department, has finally bought the first single life SLR, Canon. “In the past always thought that when the photographer, you have to have a SLR machine, and later learned that is a fantastic Bale! ”. The first job was to edit interviews with designers and cameras in the trend magazine MILK, and to plan camera exhibitions. Illustrator Stella So described the boy who loves the camera. Lifebuoy wrapped around, look straight to save the old camera scattered in the stalls ... ... As a result, then the silence of Hong Kong Sham Liu Po Street, second-hand camera market, once set off the young people looking camera enthusiasm.