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  【Abstract】The paper sets out why creativity has become so important to urban and regional economics. It focuses on the role of creativity, creative industries, creative economy, creative class and creative cities for the modern urban economics. It points out the idea that the power of the future economy lays within the development of the creative city. The aim of a creative city is to make us to think of our city as a living work of art, where citizens can involve and engage themselves in the creation of a transformed place. Every city can be more creative that it currently is and the task for the city wanting to be creative is to identify, nurture, harness, promote, attract, and sustain talent and to mobilize ideas, resources and organizations.
  【Key words】creative economy, creative cities, urban economics, creative class, sustainable development.
  1. Introduction
  Cities, large or small, must be receptive to the best and most innovative ideas and talents from around the urban world. To be competitive, cities need to set objectives about how to use efficient and effective all their resources: economic; political, and most of all, cultural resources. To be successful and to obtain and retain a long-run sustainable competitive advantage cities must not neglect their creative and cultural potential.
  Cities have always been the centers of culture and civilization and the hubs of creation. But today they face enormous challenges (infrastructural, economic, social and environmental problems) and dramatic changes are taking place. There has to be a paradigm shift in the way cities are managed.
  A creative city is a better place to live, work and play in. It is a local place that appreciates the advantage of investing in people, entrepreneurship and innovation.
  2. The Creative City: Innovation, Research and Development
  Babel, Sodoma, Babylon, Alexandria, Athena and Rome were viewed as standing for human power, wisdom, creativity, and vision, but also for human perversion and destruction. Images of the modern cities restated this ambivalence with fresh intensity. Great modern cities like London, Paris, Berlin, Toronto, Boston and New York, have repeatedly been portrayed as sites of opportunity, power, vitality and creativity.
  Successive stages in the development of cities’ economy were described in terms of a core of characteristic growth, such as efficiency, productivity and flexibility. Within the knowledge-based society and economy, the defining elements of the new economy have put creativity and innovation (including social innovation) at the center of success and long-run sustainable competitive advantage.   3. The Creative City and the New Urban Economy
  Every city should be working to identify opportunities in the new knowledge-based society and creative economy and readying itself to catch the wave.
  The new economy has caused a positive revaluation of urban assets. In the new economy factors such as intangible assets, intellectual capital, human capital, quality of life, and research institutions are much more significant. The challenges created for cities by the new economy are becoming opportunities for a sustainable development.
  Success requires, first, confronting and overcoming the complex challenges and, then identifying and capitalizing on the opportunities create by the new economy.
  There are some steps to be taken today to develop a creative city and put in place the elements that will support creativity and innovation at the local level. No single city can be looked as a model.For every problem or objective relating to making cities better, there are examples of successful and creative effort.
  4. How to Become a Creative City?
  To become a creative city, it is essential not only to have information and creativity but also the ability to use them properly. Long-run exogenous and endogenous determined competitive advantage and sustainable growth depend on being able to attract the right talents. By taking a look at history we may find many legendary figures that were not only talents science but were also well versed in artistic pursuits. Einstein, for instance, was a violinist, Galileo a poet. For a creative city, the creation of new wealth by putting these resources to good use can facilitate a better understanding of a society’s development needs on which a clear vision, priorities and strategies can then be developed to involve the widest possible participation in creative pursuits.
  The most important elements of the creative City are:
  Not only artists, scientists, workers and craftsmen should involve themselves with the creative work, but also all citizens should evolve (or expand) their creative activity. It is necessary to encourage production of useful and cultural valuable goods and services, and to improve environment of factories and offices.
  Universities, technical schools, research institute, theatre, libraries and cultural institutions which support creative activity of science and art in a city have to function as creative support infrastructure.
  The environmental policy is crucial. It preserves historical heritage and a city’s environment and improves amenity. Consequently, citizens enhance their creativity and sensitivity.
  A city has to have the well-balanced economic basis which supports sustainable and creative region.
  In terms of public administration, the Creative city is composed of the creative integrated urban policy, unified cultural policy with industrial policy and environmental policy under the democratic management of the public finance.
  The Creative City is both a call for imaginative action in the development and running of urban life and a clear and detailed toolkit of methods by which our city can be revived and revitalized. The Creative City’s effect on actual revitalization is a subject of intense debate worldwide.
【摘 要】学校委托管理是薄弱学校改造的一项重要举措,为快速有效提升薄弱学校办学质量,通过委托管理是未来发展的趋势。本文针对委托管理过程中取得明显成效的齐齐哈尔工程学院托管甘南县职教中心为例进行研究。从以下几个方面展开:学校委托管理模式分析;齐齐哈尔工程学院委托管理的实施策略解决方案;学校委托管理需进一步思考的问题;希望通过本文研究能够为学校委托管理的成功推广以及薄弱学校改造等学校变革提供一些建议和
【摘 要】精品课程建设要求教学内容反映人才规格的需求,注重适应性;体现学科前沿,注重先进性;引入最新学科发展成果和教学改革成果,注重更新;正确安排和设计理论内容与实践内容,注重融通性。精品课程教学内容的建设与推广,是建设精品课程中一项非常重要的内容,利用精品课程研究带动并促进了教师重视教学,研究教学,强化教学质量,使人才培养质量得到显著提高。  【关键词】精品课程;特色;创新;推广  高等学校课程
【摘 要】笔者根据自己在艺术设计专业基础教学中的经验,对民办高校藝术设计专业基础课教学中存在的问题进行了阐述和分析,并提出了一些基础课教学改革的解决办法。  【关键词】艺术设计基础课;设计素描;思维训练  艺术设计专业作为一门学科在高校教育中确立以后,在我国职业院校的领域里蓬勃发展。以绘画为中心的基础课教育模式已不能适应艺术设计教学的需求。特别对于民办高校来说,民办高校志在培养具有创新精神和实践能
【摘 要】本文针对高职辅导员的现状,展开对辅导员工作方法和对于辅导员队伍建设的探讨,目的是提高辅导员的素质和辅导员队伍管理,以更有效的带领指导学生。本文研究的方法包括相关文献的学习,与高校辅导员交流和观察,针对辅导员工作的学生访谈等。  【关键词】综合素质;工作技巧;队伍建设  高职辅导员是学生管理工作者与学生接触最直接,最多的老师们。他们是学生的管理者,教育者,更是学生的全面素质发展的导师。因为
【摘 要】随着我国社会的不断发展,我国在教育中存在的问题也逐渐被越来越多的人关注。而我国不同地区教育水平发展的参差不齐更是被国人看在眼里急在心上。本文将目前我国教育中存在的问题划分为了“硬件”和“软件”两个方面的问题,并从这两个方面的问题入手对我国目前的教育进行了剖析。  【关键词】教育;硬件;软件  “二十一世界什么最重要?”“人才!”当我们在电影里听到这段对话时会情不自禁的笑出来。为什么我们会
【摘 要】漆画课程教学从上个世纪40年代引入学校教育之后,学科定位几经变化,到80年代随着漆画地位被认可,其培养目标才得以明确,但培养过程中目标定位的特定性,导致学生能力发展不全面。当今社会上,具有创新思维能力和实践操作能力的漆画人才是生产实践中真正需要的,这就要求我们必须摆脱能力培养目标单一的不足,探索新的教学模式,注重实现多方面能力综合提升的培养目标,适应时代发展需求。漆画课堂的模块化教学模式
【摘 要】电阻应变式传感器是常用传感器的一种类型,电阻应变式传感器重要组成部分是电阻应变片。本文就对电阻应变片的应用进行实践项目教学设计。  【关键词】电阻应变式传感器;电阻应变片;实践项目教学  1、前言  《传感器技术》是机电一体化技术、应用电子技术、电气自动化应用技术、测量技术、机器人技术及计算机应用等专业必修课程。课程通过对传感器基本知识的学习和实验,使学生掌握常用传感器的应用知识,初步掌
【摘 要】随着信息技术和社会的发展,对应用型软件人才的需求日益增长,应用型软件人才培养突显重要,本文以齐齐哈尔工程学院软件专业为例,积极探索人才培养模式的改革方向,通过实践,改革人才培养模式,使其人才培养质量得到提升。  【关键词】应用型本科;人才培养模式;改革  1、引言  信息化水平是衡量一个国家和地区的国际竞争力、现代化程度、综合国力和经济成长能力的重要标志。从行业人才需求看,技术人才水涨船
【摘 要】国家征收的本质,就是国家强力机关或法定授权的组织根据法律、法规的规定,强行对私人财产进行剥夺的行为。我国拆迁制度经历了完全依附于土地征用制度、相对独立于土地征用制度、完全独立于土地征用制度历程。  【关键词】国家征收;房屋拆迁;立法历程  “即使是最穷的人,在他的寒舍里也敢于对抗国王的权威。风可以吹进这所房子,雨可以打进这所房子,房子甚至会在风雨中飘摇,但是英王不能踏进这所房子,他的千军
【摘 要】文章对如何打造高效的数学翻转课堂进行了探讨。  【关键词】翻转课堂;数学教学;高效  所谓翻转课堂,就是教师创建视频,学生课余观看视频中教师的讲解,回到课堂上师生面对面交流和完成作业的这样一种教学形态。翻转课堂打破了传统的教学模式,由“先教后学”转变为“先学后教”,它的优点不言而喻,以致近年来在国内外掀起了翻转课堂热。  笔者认为要打造高效翻转课堂要做好以下几条:  一、采取多种方式,培