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2005年2月16日《京都议定书》正式生效,《京都议定书》的生效将对包括我国在内的全球各国的经济发展产生重要的影响。《京都议定书》,尤其是其中规定的三种灵活的减排机制:联合履约机制(Joint Implementation);清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism);排放交易机制(Emissions Trading)引起了各国政府和学者的广泛关注和研究。我国的学者对《京都议定书》的研究还处于起步阶段,所以有必要对《京都议定书》及其三种灵活减排机制作更详细和深入的研究。本文将从两个方面着重介绍联合履约机制:第一,联合履约机制的概述。在这部分中我将结合相关国际环境法公约和会议对联合履约机制的历史发展作一详细介绍;第二,联合履约机制的实体和程序内容。在这部分中我将主要立足于《联合国气候框架公约》(The United Nations Frame Convention On Climate Change,UNFCCC)、《京都议定书》及其缔约方大会通过的决议对联合履约机制的实体和程序内容作一介绍和分析。最后在前文论述的基础上得出结论:联合履约机制的规定目前仍然存在许多不明确之处,需要进一步的完善。 The Kyoto Protocol entered into force on February 16, 2005, and the entry into force of the “Kyoto Protocol” will have a significant impact on the economic development of all countries in the world, including our own. The Kyoto Protocol, and in particular the three flexible emission reduction mechanisms set forth therein, are: Joint Implementation; Clean Development Mechanism; Emissions Trading, which has caused widespread government and scholars’ Attention and research. The research of “Kyoto Protocol” is still in its infancy in our country’s scholars, so it is necessary to study the “Kyoto Protocol” and its three flexible emission reduction mechanisms in more detail and in depth. This article focuses on two aspects of joint compliance mechanisms: First, an overview of the Joint Implementation Mechanism. In this part, I will give a detailed introduction to the historical development of the joint compliance mechanism in conjunction with the relevant international environmental law conventions and conferences. Secondly, I will detail the entities and procedures of the joint compliance mechanism. In this section I will mainly focus on the substance and procedural elements of the Joint Implementation Mechanism based on the resolutions adopted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and its Conference of the Parties A presentation and analysis. Finally, based on the foregoing discussion, we come to the conclusion that there are still many ambiguities in the provisions of the joint compliance mechanism and need further improvement.
在硅分子束外延(MBE)系统中,利用Si和O2共淀积的方法生长出化学配比理想的SiO2,在此基础上生长了Si/SiO2超晶格并观察到其光致发光(PL)谱 In silicon molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system, Si and O2
研究心房纤维性颤动(简称房颤)的形成机制首先遇到的挑战是创建一个稳定的动物模型,首先介绍了如何创建犬无菌心包炎模型(Canine sterile pericarditis model),然后介绍了一