国有企业的制度创新工程已经起步,铁路运输企业进行公司制改革的试点也将拉开帷幕。随着这项工作的展开和深入,诸多难以回避和无法绕开的问题将十分现实而又具体地凸现在我们面前,亟待认真解决。铁路运输企业中路局与分局双重法人的关系即是其中之一。 迄今为止,铁路运输企业一直是实行双重法人四级管理的体制。路局和分局同为企业法人,铁道部→铁路局→分局→站段纵向实施指
The system innovation project of state-owned enterprises has started and pilot projects for the reform of corporate systems by railway transport enterprises will also begin. With the commencement and deepening of this work, many problems that are hard to be avoided and can not be circumvented will be displayed in a realistic and concrete manner before us and will need to be seriously resolved. One of them is the relationship between the railway corporations and the dual legal person of the railway transportation enterprise. So far, rail transport enterprises have been the system that implements the four-level management of dual legal persons. Roads and branches with corporate legal person, the Ministry of Railways → Railway Bureau → Branch → Station longitudinal implementation of means