常德冷库是以1958年5月北京建筑工业设计院“24”型4500T 分配性冷库的标准图纸为依据进行建筑设计的。由于五十年代我们缺乏建设冷库经验,主观上图省图快,客观上材料缺乏,不合理地改变原设计以及原设计也不尽合理,加上投产后管理不善,致使冷库损坏严重,勉强维持使用。为了彻底改变这种状况,决定进行技术改造。按照淡季维修、旺季生产,尽量不误生产的原则,将改造工程分作两期:第一期工程包括扩建予冻冻结间和新建压缩机房,采取生产、建设两条线的不停产办法,
Changde cold storage is based on the standard drawings of “24” 4500T Allocation Cold Storage of Beijing Architectural Industry Design Institute in May 1958 as the basis for architectural design. Due to the lack of experience in building fridges in the 1950s, subjective plans and plans of provinces and cities are subdued, objectively lacking materials, unreasonably changing original designs and original designs, and improper management after commissioning have resulted in serious damage to cold storage and barely maintained use. In order to completely change this situation, decided to carry out technological transformation. In accordance with the off-season maintenance, peak season production, try not to mistakenly produce the principle, the reconstruction project is divided into two phases: the first phase of the project, including the expansion of freezing and freezing rooms and the new compressor room, production and construction of two lines of non-stop production methods,