本文的主要内容如下:1.序言2.作战使用的备种系统 防空系统 反舰系统3.技术进展 信号处理 微波电路和天线 惯性参考系统4.未来的系统 防空导弹 战场上的精确制导弹药 反辐射弹药 对付陆上目标的防区外发射的中程和远程导弹 对付装甲车辆的小型近程子弹药
The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1. Preface 2. Preparation system for combat use Air defense system Anti-ship system 3. Technical progress Signal processing Microwave circuit and antenna inertial reference system 4. Future systematic anti-aircraft missiles Precise guided munition anti-radiation Ammunition to deal with land-based targets outside the zone fired mid-range and long-range missiles for small armored vehicles, short-range submunitions