February 1985 “National Defense” magazine reports. The strategic “triple play” of the United States land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and bombers carrying cruise missiles is a synergistic product. On the other hand, weaknesses need to be remedied in other ways. The United States fleet’s ballistic missile submarine force provided the United States with a vengeful force to attack the Soviet Union after the Soviet Union suddenly attacked the U.S. base or city. At sea, the United States deployed a more viable warhead than the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union has concentrated 70% of its retaliatory forces on land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. At present, the strength of the nuclear-powered fleet ballistic missile submarine of the 31 U.S. Poseidon and three Trident submarines can launch more than 450 nuclear warheads after the first attack to crack down on Soviet targets. 12 Poseidon submarines have been