家庭博物馆,已成为上海的一道风光独特的风景线。 上海的家庭博物馆发端于八十年代初,1983年4月9日《解放日报》刊登了一条并不起眼的小消息,说的是本市创办了一座“王家钟表博物馆”,创办者为著名的已故钟表收藏家王安坚,他收藏了早期的中外钟表三百多件,这是中国大陆诞生的第一座家庭博物馆。紧接着,上海滩上又出现了“陈宝定算具陈列馆”、“陈宝财蝴蝶博物馆”、“韦清火花藏馆”等。从那以后,上海的民间家庭博物馆如雨后春笋般地涌现,据上海收藏欣赏联谊会统计,目
Family Museum, Shanghai has become a unique landscape. Shanghai Family Museum originated in the early eighties, April 9, 1983, “Liberation Daily” published a humble message, saying that the city founded a “Royal Watch Museum”, the founder of the famous The late watch collector Wang Anjian, he collected more than 300 early foreign clocks and watches, this is the birth of mainland China’s first family museum. Then, on the beach again appeared “Chen Po Ding Museum”, “Chen Bao Cai Butterfly Museum”, “Wei Qing Spark Hall” and so on. Since then, the Shanghai Folk House Museum has mushroomed, according to the statistics of Shanghai