投饲技术主要包括投饲量、投喂次数、投喂时间及投饲方式等。传统的“四定”(定时、定质、定位、定量)“三看”(看天气、看水质、看鱼情)是对投饲技术的高度概括。 一、投饲量投饲量随着水体中载鱼量的变动而变动。它受饲料质量、鱼的种类、鱼体大小和水温、溶氧等环境因子以及管理水平的因素的影响。 (1)饲料质量质量好的饲料由于利用率较高,鱼类适口,可以少投些,否则应多投些。
Feeding technology mainly includes the amount of feeding, feeding times, feeding time and feeding methods. The traditional “four fixed” (regular, qualitative, positioning, quantitative) “look” (see the weather, see the water quality, look at the fish situation) is a high degree of feeding technology summarized. First, the amount of feeding The amount of feeding varies with the amount of fish in the water changes. It is affected by feed quality, fish species, fish size and water temperature, dissolved oxygen and other environmental factors as well as the management level of the factors. (1) feed quality and good quality feed because of the higher utilization of fish palatability, you can vote less, otherwise you should vote more.