用 30 %多·福·克悬浮种衣剂对大豆种子进行包衣 ,防治大豆苗期主要病虫害。田间试验结果表明 :对大豆根腐病、蚜虫、蓟马等病虫害防治的持效期在 6 0d以上 ,对孢囊线虫病防治持效期在 45d以上
Soybean seeds are coated with 30% multiflora seed coating agent to prevent and control the main pests and diseases of soybean seedling. Field experiment results showed that the pest control of soybean root rot, aphids, thrips and other pests and diseases persisted for more than 60 days, the control of cyst nematode disease persist for more than 45d