
来源 :北方消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangglan2
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写在前面: 大概是去年的这个时候,一位消防的老前辈来到编辑部,说他正在整理新中国的消防教育培训史,这个题目虽然在我脑中逗留了近一年,始终没有足够充分的理由促使我花费大量的时间和精力去完成这样一个跨越时空的题目,直到有一天我在这位老人家里看到了他的书稿,他当作宝贝似的保存起来的破旧照片,我决定将这个选题进行到底。第一个阶段的采访刚刚结束,已经是千般感慨万般感动了。渐行渐远的历史,在那代人的脑海中只是一段段回忆的碎片,举重若轻的风范让我重读了历史的真实,至少我明白了,在这条由许多默默无闻的人搭建的路上,我们这个行当的老前辈一路走来,走得很艰苦,但是执着。 前人栽树后人乘凉。为了前辈曾经的光荣和用一生构筑的梦想,我们应该谨记这样一句话:吃水不忘打并人。 Written in front of: This is probably last year, when a veteran of the fire came to the editorial department, said he was finishing the history of fire education and training in new China, although this topic in my mind for nearly a year, has not been enough Sufficient reason led me to spend a lot of time and effort to accomplish such a time-and-space issue until one day I saw his manuscript in the old man, and he saved the shabby photos as a treasure, and I decided to This topic in the end. The first phase of the interview has just ended, is already a thousand emotionally touched. The history of lopsidedness is only a fragment of memories in that generation’s mind. The ease of decency reminds me of the truth of history. At least I understand that on this road set by many unknown people, The veterans of this line of business walked all the way, go very hard, but persistent. Former people planted tree shade. For the glory of our predecessors and the dream we have built in our lifetime, we should keep in mind the following words: Do not forget to draft and draft others.
2003年3月27日上午6时 ,法国北部加莱省一家制造炸药的硝酸盐化工厂发生爆炸 ,3名工人当场被炸死 ,另有1人失踪。加莱省立即成立紧急情况处理小组 ,调查事故的原因 ,并防止化学品外泄。
一、祈使句的概况祈使句表示请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告等,谓语动词用原形,句末用句号,有时用感叹号,读时一般用降调。例如 First, the prayers of the general situatio