1. Defining the Connotation of Enterprise Groups from the Comparison of Differences The term “corporate group” originated in Japan. Although the concept is not yet conclusive in the Japanese academic community, it is similar in terms of description. In Japan, the authoritative “Monopoly White Paper Committee of the Peace Economy Plan Conference” defines enterprise groups as “a combination of core businesses of the same type.” According to the book “Japan’s Monopoly Enterprise Group” translated and published by the Commercial Press, “The meaning of a corporate group generally refers to a large company-generated group.” According to the “Hyundai Japanese Economic Affairs Code,” “Corporate groups are not a simple aggregation of companies, but are a combination of special forms of large companies.” According to “Corporate Group Management Theory” written by Ichiro Yamada, “Corporate groups are For the purpose of mutual complementarity in technology and other economic functions, and based on the premise of the members’ right to freedom, the long-lasting business combination form and business cooperation formed under the principle of reciprocity and mutual benefit.