In the 1970s, Xi’an Municipality’s Cultural Management Association solicited from the western suburbs one of the Jin dynasties “Zhou Lun Epitaph” (see page 35), which involved some important contents of Shaanxi local history during the Song and Jin Dynasties. Research provides new information, epitaph is now hidden in Xi’an City Heritage Archeology. The epitaph Qingshi, square, height, width, respectively, 36 cm, 7 cm thick, polished on the surface and four sides, four facades engraved stream moire, five on each side. Chi script regular script, fonts handsome, writing fluent, a total of 32 lines, full line 32 words, count 920 words. This epitaph has not been recorded, the full text is now published as follows: Daijin Zhoufu Jun Epitaph