A Contrastive Study of Politeness Principle betweenEnglish and Chinese

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  摘要:politeness as an observable phenomenon is actually a reflection of specific cultural values in the language. This thesis is based on a literature review of politeness theories both in English and Chinese, attempts to examine the differences of politeness principles and try to explore the deep reasons of the differences.
  关键词:English and Chinese politeness theories; difference; reason
  Politeness is a universal phenomenon, which can be observed in all languages and cultures. It helps establish, maintain or consolidate harmonious interpersonal relationships and facilitate social interactions. Politeness as an observable phenomenon is actually a reflection of specific cultural values in the language. Thus, while admitting the universality of politeness, we must realize the cultural characteristics of politeness. That is, due to the influence of cultural value orientations, the actual manifestations of politeness and the standards for its judgment differ substantially from culture to culture. We have to notice the differences so as to increase the accuracy of the understanding of politeness expression. This thesis is based on a literature review of politeness theories both in English and Chinese, attempts to examine the differences of politeness principles, tries to explore the deep reasons of the differences.
  2.English and Chinese Politeness Theories
  Chinese and English are two different cultures and English-speaking people possess a different psychology from that of Chinese people. Since politeness is an inherent part of culture, its content is culture-specific, but in the meanwhile, for politeness is a universal phenomenon, there is certain common ground between politeness of different culture, English PP can be summed up by Leechs six maxims. Based on Leechs theory, GuYueguo has established a set of Chinese PP according to the unique socio-linguistic features of Chinese language and culture.
  3.English Politeness Principles Proposed by Leech
  Leech is one of the first to adopt the principle-maxim approach to analyze politeness. His theory can be used to generalize the politeness principles of English culture. “Leech sees cultural rules at work in expressions of politeness and attempts to categorize in greater detail the underlying mechanism behind these forms by articulating a set of politeness maxims at work in polite communication”(Hondo & Goodman 241). Leechs PP is categorized into six maxims dealing with polite behavior. (1)TACT MAXIM (2)GENEROSITY MAXIM (3)APPROBATION MAXIM (4)MODESTY MAXIM (5)AGREEMENT MAXIM (6)SYMPATHY MAXIM.   4.Chinese Politeness Principles Proposed by Gu Yueguo
  Gus conversational maxim view of Chinese PP is influenced by the conceptualization of Leechs research, but it has specific content in Chinese culture. The self-denigration and other-respecting maxim is characteristic of Chinese politeness, which is based on the notions of respectfulness. The address maxim is a rule for addressing ones interlocutor with an appropriate address term, where appropriateness indexes the hearers social status, role and the speaker-hearer relationship. The elegancy maxim refers to the use of elegant instead of bawdy words, agreeable instead of blunt language (Gu Yueguo p45). The conforming maxim means to accord with others opinions. The virtue, words and behavior maxim cost to other and maximizing benefit to other at the motivational level and maximizing others benefit to self and minimizing selfs cost at the conversational level.
  5.Contrastive study of politeness principles between English and Chinese
  Both English and Chinese politeness principles give a generalization of mans polite speech acts. Accordingly they share something in common. That is, both of them obey two basic models: one is to minimize impolite expressions and actions; another is to maximize polite expressions and actions. On the other hand, each society and culture holds its own politeness principle and strategy which possesses specific character. The following contrasts the differences of English and Chinese politeness principles through five maxims. “Self-denigrating and other-respecting” remains at the core of Chinese limao and the politeness phenomenon of Chinese culture-specific. others. In both English and Chinese cultures which involved in the choice of addressing terms, Such as “Xiao Wang” is a polite address term to address a younger one for an elder person. “Lao Wang” is also a polite address term to address an elder one for a younger person, while in English there is no such vocatives. Such vocatives as “Little Tom” or “Old Mary” are not unacceptable and even impolite in English. Refinement maxim reflects the normative character of linguistic politeness, including the use of euphemism and indirectness, and avoiding foul language. The agreement maxim involves the consideration of speakers and hearers face wants.
  6.The Reasons for the Differences of Chinese and English Politeness in Cultural Background
  Both Chinese and Western people apply PP, but generally speaking, westerners use politeness maxims less frequently than Chinese people. It can be attributed to two differences between Chinese and Western society. Firstly, “Western society highly promotes egalitariansm while Chinese society attaches more importance to hierarchy.   Secondly, Western people have a self-centered culture while Chinese people embrace an others-oriented culture. Moreover,Westerners have a high mobility in that they often change their jobs or move to new places whereas Chinese people live more stably in comparatively narrow and fixed areas, Thus, comparatively speaking, Chinese people have more opportunities to meet each other in the neighborhood, at school, and at work, etc, for which it is more important to keep a harmonious relationship with each other. Therefore, it stands to reason that Chinese people are used to expressing their opinions in a periphrastic way and avoiding conflicts as much as they can.
  Politeness plays an indispensable role in human communication. The understanding and use of appropriate polite behaviors can influence the success or failure of communication greatly. This study is amid to investigate English and Chinese politeness and account of their differences in the concept, realization and judging standard with the theoretical models proposed by English and Chinese scholars.
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