记者:以您的国际眼光来看,中国经济运行中,目前存在的最主要的深层次问题是什么? 张五常:我只说一个最简单的问题,浅得不得了的问题,你们总是答错的。 现在美元与人民币的汇率是1:8.3左右,黑市是1:8.9左右,如果完全取消外汇管制,就不是这样了。中国政府怕什么,如果全部取消外汇管制,大家一定会对人民币有信心的。人民币就会升值。 很简单,如果香港特区政府今天宣布下个月要外汇管制,你说外资是要跑掉还是要进来,一定是跑掉的。台湾20多年前取消外汇管制,台币升得很厉害,多一倍也不止,那时台币对港
Reporter: From your international perspective, what is the most important deep-seated problem that currently exists in China’s economic operation? Zhang Wuchang: I only said the simplest question and the unforgivable one. You always answer the question Incorrect. Now that the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Chinese yuan is around 1: 8.3, the black market is around 1: 8.9. This is not the case if the exchange control is completely abolished. What the Chinese government is afraid of? If we completely abolish foreign exchange control, everyone will surely have confidence in the renminbi. RMB will appreciate. It is very simple. If the Hong Kong SAR government announced today that it wants foreign exchange control next month, you must have run away from foreign capital if it wants to run away or come in. Taiwan more than 20 years ago to lift the foreign exchange control, Taiwan dollar rose very powerful, more than doubled, when the Taiwan dollar against Hong Kong