An Unconventional Classicist

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CLASSICAL, pop and Chinese folk music each have their aficionados.Contemporary pianist Kong Xiangdong is attempting to unite them by fusing elements of all three genres in a musical experiment.
<正>Years on the scene, musician and promoter Jon Campbell has learned what China's music fans want to hear - and pay for.
<正>MANDARIN may be the language of the future. It&#39;s certainly one of the most important languages today, judging by the number of foreign students signing
<正>IF, one evening at the theater, you are seated at a table, rather than in a row of seats, and sipping tea and eating peanuts as your neighbors stamp their f
<正>JEAN-HUGUES Depigny and his wife are from France. They have lived in China for 10 years and are known by the Chinese names Yang Peiyi and Yang An. Their hom
常听人说,“天下玉,扬州工”。一直很好奇,缺乏玉石矿产资源的扬州为什么会赢得如此美誉。前不久,陪同客人参观位于扬州的中国玉器博物馆,茅塞顿开。玉雕大师每得到一块玉石原料,都要琢磨数日、数月甚至数年,然后才开始动手,他们充分感受和了解了玉料的颜色、形状、性质等,才随物赋形,雕琢出“螳螂白菜”“碧玉宝鼎”等巧夺天工的作品。   育人之道与琢玉之道是如此契合。扬州市邗江区在开展新家庭教育实验中做了一件