在成功地以3000万英镑转会到英超曼联队以后,里奥·费迪南德成为世界上身价最高的后卫队员,同时也是英超历史上最昂贵的球星。在“青年军”中把自己的力量尽情展示了以后,地与利兹的约会终于在这个夏天走到尽头。如果说是老特拉福德的盛情让里奥在红魔军团中重来,不如说是曼联队的冠军色彩让费迪南德选择了这座美丽的城市。对于一个足球队员来说,金钱在这个时候并不是特别的重要了,倒是荣誉的光环更能激发起球员的运动精神。 世界杯上的精彩表现让里奥开始成为球队追逐的目标,尽管英格兰队止步在巴西队脚下,但是费迪南德的能力还是让人们心里有底。也许在今后很长一段时间里,他都是英格兰队主力的后卫人选。高大、威猛的身材使得他在对抗激烈的比赛过程中可以完美地发挥出自己的优势,还记得在对丹麦队时的那记头球吗?也许是从那个时候起,弗格森就已经决定一定要把里奥买到曼联队。3000万英镑的价格非常吓人,但是老特拉福德求贤若渴的态度让里奥感动,尽管阿森纳的温格嘲讽地对记者说曼
After successfully transferring £ 30m to Premier League Manchester United, Rio Ferdinand became the world’s most valuable guards, but also the most expensive Premier League star in the history. After having demonstrated his strength in the “Young Army,” the date to Leeds finally came to an end this summer. If it is the passion of Old Trafford to Rio in the Red Army regained, as it is Manchester United team champion Ferdinand chose this beautiful city. For a football player, money is not particularly important at this time, but it is the glory of honor more able to inspire the player’s athleticism. The wonderful performance at the World Cup let Rio began to become the goal of the team to chase, although England stopped at the foot of Brazil, but Ferdinand’s ability to make people bottom of mind. Maybe for a long time in the future, he is England’s main defender. Tall, mighty figure makes him in the fierce competition in the process of the game can play their perfect advantages, but also remember when the Danish team that header? Maybe it is from that time, Ferguson has decided that certain Leo should buy Manchester United team. The price of £ 30m was scary, but Old Trafford’s thirst for elegance touched Leo, though Arsene Wenger mockingly told reporters