学术腐败的原因是多方面的,但主要原因是与学术相关的制度未能随经济体制的改革而变迁。因此,要治理学术腐败,主要应当依靠制度变革。一、将出版权授予教学科研单位 凡教学科研单位可以不经过出版社而直接向国家登记书号,打破出版社垄断书号的局面。书号,不过是书的一个号码,就像人的身份证号码一样,本身没有任何市场价值。但是,书号现在却成了紧俏的“商品”,价格年年升高,一般的学者买不起书
The causes of academic corruption are manifold, but mainly due to the fact that the academic-related system failed to change with the reform of the economic system. Therefore, to control academic corruption, we should rely mainly on institutional changes. First, the copyright granted to teaching and research units Where teaching and research institutes can not directly through the press and national registration number, breaking the monopoly of the publication of the situation. Book number, but a book number, just like a person's ID number, itself does not have any market value. However, ISBN has now become a tight “commodity”, the price increases year after year, the average scholar can not afford to book