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第一个故事:制度的力量这是历史上一个制度建设的著名例证。18世纪末期,英国政府决定把犯了罪的英国人统统发配到澳洲去。一些私人船主承包从英国往澳洲大规模地运送犯人的工作。英国政府实行的办法是以上船的犯人数支付船主费用。当时那些运送犯人的船只大多是一些很破旧的货船改装的,船上设备简陋,没有什么医疗药品,更没有医生,船主为了谋取暴利,尽可能地多装人,使船上条件十分恶劣。一旦船只离开了岸,船主按人数拿到了政府的钱,对于这些人能否能远涉重洋活着到达澳洲就不管不问了。有些船主为了降低费用,甚至故意断水断食。3年以后,英国政府发现:运往澳洲的犯人在船上的死亡率达12%,其中最严重的一艘船上424个犯人死了158个,死亡率高达37%。英国政府费了大笔资金,却没能达到大批移民的目的。 The First Story: The Power of Institutions This is a famous illustration of the institution of a system in history. In the late 18th century, the British government decided to send all the sinful British to Australia. Some private shipowners contracted to mass deliver prisoners from Britain to Australia. The British government implemented a method of paying the owner’s fee based on the number of prisoners on board. At that time, most of the ships transporting prisoners were converted into shabby cargo ships. The equipment on the ship was crude, there was no medical drugs, and no doctors. The shipowners tried to make as many profits as possible and put on as many people as possible so that the conditions on board were very poor. Once the vessel left the shore, the owner got the government money by the number of people, regardless of whether these people could live far beyond Australia to reach Australia. Some owners even deliberately cut off the water in order to reduce costs. Three years later, the British government found that the death toll from boarding of prisoners to Australia amounted to 12%, with 424 of the most fatal vessels having 158 dead and a fatality rate of 37%. The British government spent a lot of money, but failed to achieve the purpose of a large number of immigrants.
人们常说植树造林对人类有巨大的好处,能保持水土,防风固沙,净化空气,甚至还能减弱噪声呢,那么树木为什么能减弱噪声呢? A:树木能够减弱噪声是由于树木对声波有散射的作用,能
感谢广大读者一年来对“灌水乐园”的热情关怀和支持,转眼你们即将完成初中二年级的学习,而成为我们《中学生数理化》(初中版.初三使用)杂志的忠实读者. 学了一年的物理,现在
我家种了一盆文竹,它的枝条虽然很细,但却是笔直笔直的。每根枝干的颜色各不一样,有翠绿的、深绿的和墨绿的。翠绿的枝叶 My family planted a basin of bamboo, although i