从高压大电机转子冲片通风孔冲裁模的设计角度出发,根据公司设备现状,充分利用小吨位高速冲床的滑块行程,提出斜刃冲裁和模具后部泄料的设计方案,使冲裁力由17.63 t降为8.16 t,降低了53.7%,后置倾斜漏料槽式下模座使废料顺利排出,节约了大吨位设备的投资,加快了新产品的研发进度,为实现超范围大面积冲裁提供了一种新的思路和工艺方案。实践证明,该工艺方案可行,具有精度高、成本低、效率高的优点,可供同行设计同类产品模具参考。
According to the current situation of the equipment of the company and taking full advantage of the slide stroke of high-speed punching machine with small tonnage, a design scheme of blanking and rear blow-out of the die is put forward from the design point of blanking die of high-voltage large rotor. The cutting force reduced from 17.63 t to 8.16 t, a decrease of 53.7%. The rear tilt leaking die base smoothly discharged the wastes, saving the investment of large tonnage equipment and speeding up the development of new products. In order to realize the ultra-range Large area punching provides a new way of thinking and process. Practice has proved that the process is feasible, with high precision, low cost, high efficiency advantages for colleagues to design similar products die reference.