诸如希腊酸奶、韩国泡菜、果汁甜酒(食醋)、冬菇茶以及酸味口香糖这些产品的一大共同点是均受益于美国消费者对酸味产品的青睐,甚至酸味啤酒也变得越来越受消费者的热衷。为什么酸味食品变得如此受消费者的青睐?烹饪公司Edible Education的创建者Ann Butler在邮件中回复到“相较于很多其他食品风味,酸味更加连绵,让人回味无穷,是食品风味的一种发展趋势,如同一种后灼烧感。一旦你迷上这种风味,你就很
One of the things in common with such products as Greek yogurt, kimchi, juice liqueur (vinegar), mushroom tea and sour chewing gum is that both benefit from the American consumer preference for sour products and even sour beer is becoming more and more affected Consumer keen. Why sour food has become so popular with consumers? Ann Butler, creator of the cooking company Edible Education, echoed in the mail to ”a more sour and lingering sourness than many other food flavors, one of the flavors of food Kind of development trend, like a burning sensation.If you are fascinated by this flavor, you are very